Someone is building a very special Ferrari Testarossa

  • A six-wheeled Ferrari Testarossa has been spotted in Texas.
  • This is probably a new project from Gas Monkey Garage.
  • Last year, Gas Monkey Garage built a three-seater, roofless electric Testarossa for SEMA.

By definition, a 6×6 car receives torque and power to all six wheels, so it can tackle virtually any terrain with agility. That said, we doubt that the Ferrari Testarossa that you see in the photo has six-wheel drive. To tell the truth, we know practically nothing about it. Yet this Testarossa 6×6 (a ridiculous name to say the least) struck us quite a bit.

But what exactly is going on? We would like to have more answers, but unfortunately, in addition to the shot published on Instagram by Hvber.Media there is practically nothing. Although by investigating perhaps we can find out something more.

The clues

First of all: the Ferrari Testarossa loaded onto the trailer is clearly still in preparation. Several body parts are missing and the 12-cylinder engine – if it is still there – is without a cover. Also, the massive rear diffuser is still to be completed.

So ok, it’s a work in progress. But signed by whom? We don’t have official information, but we are almost certain that there is someone behind it Gas Monkey Garage of Dallas. Aside from the fact that the sighting occurred right on the outskirts of the Texan capital, the head of the shop – Richard Rawlings – has purchased no less than five Ferrari Testarossas in the past year, all of which are used as in the film Infinite. Since these were models used in the world of cinema, they were not exactly in great shape and were modified, even if only partially.

And if you are thinking of building a Six-wheeled Testarossa out of your mind, having 5 units to count on – even if they’re battered – is a great way to start.

If this evidence is not convincing enough, the pickup Ram black/silver towing the trailer on which the fateful Testarossa is parked is identical to the one filmed in the last few hours by the live camera of the Gas Monkey Garage.

Then there is the familiarity of the Texan workshop with the Prancing Horse supercar. Last year, in fact, the guys from Gas Monkey presented a three-seater electric version with a convertible body at SEMA. If we take a guess, the 2025 edition could see the presentation of the first six-wheeled Ferrari Testarossa in history.

We have contacted Gas Monkey Garage to confirm or not and are awaiting a response.
