SpaceX flights will emit more CO2 than Tesla can save by 2024

Even though Tesla is focused on the energy transition, through electric cars and solar panels, Elon Musk, who heads the car manufacturer, is the face of another important company: SpaceX. This company will emit more carbon into the American air than the first will be able to save…

Despite the ongoing debate, electric cars are considered less polluting, considering their lifespan, saving the planet large amounts of carbon dioxide. On the other hand, space exploration delivers staggering amounts of CO2 to Earth.

Operating in both fields, Elon Musk is faced with a curious situation: his SpaceX will emit more carbon into the American air than his Tesla will be able to save, according to estimates from Jalopnika news and opinion website about the automotive and aeronautical industries.

Tesla won't be able to offset SpaceX's emissions, estimates conclude

Data about SpaceX

So far in 2024, SpaceX has already launched 90 rockets Falcon 9, plus two Starship launches and one Falcon Heavy. The company has plans to conduct at least 27 more launches by the end of the year. These 120 rockets will collectively produce an estimated 3.71 million metric tons of CO2.

According to the Environmetal Protection Agencythe average American internal combustion-powered car produces about 400 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometer, which means that the emissions from SpaceX's rocket this year are equivalent to about 927,500,000 kilometers driven.

Falcon 9 da SpaceX

How much is SpaceX launching?

As estimates Current estimates point to a Falcon Heavy launch of around 79,000 metric tons of CO2, while a Starship launch is slightly lower at 76,000 metric tons.

The most common launch, the Falcon 9, emits about 28,000 metric tons of carbon.

Tesla Facts

As for Tesla, sales are known to have fallen significantly compared to 2023 in the United States, with an 8.5% drop in the first quarter and a 5% drop in the second quarter to 386,810 and 422,405, respectively.

There are no concrete figures yet for the third and fourth quarters. However, based on last year's numbers, assuming a conservative 5% drop, we could see around 413,300 deliveries in the third quarter and 460,300 in the fourth quarter.

These figures correspond to global sales, and those in the United States have been about 26% of that figure in recent years. If we consider 26% of the estimated 1,682,815 cars that the company will sell this year, that will total about 437,500 cars that will reach new owners this year in the American country.

How much emissions can Tesla's sales save?

The current US power grid emits about 475 grams per kilowatt-hour of energy, and the average Tesla can get about four miles per kWh.

If an average Tesla drives about 11,500 miles in a year, it will be using 2,875 kWh of electricity, which equates to 1.37 metric tons of emissions per car. That’s just under a third of what SpaceX’s rockets will emit this year.

(For the sake of simplicity, Jalopnik did not take into account weather conditions or power grid transmission losses.)

Considering the 437,500 cars and multiplying them by 1.37, we get 599,375 metric tons of emissions emitted.

The average gasoline car in the United States gets about 22 miles per gallon (that's about 3.8 liters), emitting about 4.6 metric tons of carbon as a result.

So the average person who switches from an average gasoline car to a Tesla is reducing their carbon impact on the environment by about 3.23 metric tons per year. Those same 437,500 cars are reducing carbon emissions by 1.4 million metric tons.

The website notes that the number of people who trade in their gas-powered cars for a Model 3 is likely to be very low, so these numbers will be slightly higher. If the driver switched from a Prius to a Tesla, their emissions reduction will be significantly lower than average.

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While Tesla sells cars in more countries, and most of its cars are expected to still be on the road after the first year, SpaceX is growing, so these numbers could get worse.

It should also be noted that these numbers are estimates and do not take into account a series of variables that may interfere.
