Specialist Babenko gave advice on how to connect gas at your dacha quickly and for free

Specialist: to quickly connect gas to your dacha, you need to fulfill a number of conditions

Natalya Babenko, Director for Sales of Services at the Middle Volga Gas Company, recalled in a conversation with RT what conditions must be met to connect gas to a dacha.

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As Babenko recalled, in the spring the government approved a resolution that opens up new opportunities for gardening non-profit partnerships (SNTs) located within the boundaries of settlements with gasification.

“These SNTs now officially have the opportunity to participate in the social gasification program,” said the specialist.

She emphasized that for an accelerated connection to gas, a number of conditions must be met. First of all, these include official registration.

“The home ownership that is planned to be connected must be registered in the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN),” she explained.

Also, SNT should be located within the boundaries of an already gasified settlement, Babenko added.

“The general meeting of SNT members must approve the use of a common land plot for the construction of a gas pipeline. It must also agree on the establishment of security zones and approve the gasification of a particular applicant’s household. In order for home ownership in SNT to be included in the site-by-site gasification plan, it is necessary to submit an application to the gas distribution organization and provide all the necessary documents for consideration,” the specialist said.

Particular attention, according to her, is paid to the number of registered applications, that is, potential households for gasification.

“The greater the number of applications, the higher the chances of including SNT in the current program or next year’s plan. The current schedules have been approved, but the social gasification program is unlimited, which makes it possible to join it in the future,” said RT’s interlocutor.

Earlier, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin, in a conversation with RT, named the regions that are leaders in the commissioning of new housing.

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Source: russian.rt.com