Spectacular explosion of Chinese rocket during landing

Although the rocket test ended in disaster, scientists obtained valuable data that will allow them to improve their device and eventually successfully perform a landing maneuver. The company admitted that it learned a lot from the test, achieving 10 of 11 main goals. The next high-altitude test flight is to take place in November. It is no secret that the Chinese are trying to imitate American companies in this matter, specifically SpaceX czy Blue Origin.

Both have been regular for several years now they perform landings with their rockets, including Falcon-9 and New Shepard. Chinese companies would also like to reduce the cost of rocket flights by being able to recover and re-send them into space. In addition to being able to deliver cargo to the Chinese Space Station, space tourism for millionaires is also in the cards.

Deep Blue’s Nebula-1 rocket has a diameter of 3.4 meters, which is slightly smaller than the Falcon-9 rocket from SpaceXwhich is 3.6 meters long. It is powered by engines fueled by kerosene and liquid oxygen, similar to Falcon-9. Given the failure of the last test, analysts predict that it is unlikely that Nebula-1 will fly into orbit before 2025.

Source: geekweek.interia.pl