Speeding up construction procedures: The new Law on Planning and Construction is coming next year

The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure plans to draft a new Law on Planning and Construction during the next year, said Minister Goran Vesić, opening the “Future Trends in the Construction Industry” conference yesterday in Belgrade. He emphasized that the new law will enable the systematization and improvement of all key areas in construction, which will contribute to the faster development of the sector.

Illustration (Photo: Pexels)

Vesić pointed out that the construction industry in Serbia is experiencing significant growthwith an increase in the value of performed works of 22% in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the same period of the previous year, while in the second quarter a growth of 14.9% was recorded, it was announced on the website of the Ministry.

He also stated that the participation of the construction sector in Serbia’s gross domestic product (GDP) increased to 5.92% during the second quarter. In this period, the construction industry participated in the GDP with approx 1.1 billion euros.

The minister pointed out that Serbia is recording growth in the construction industry, unlike the trend in the European Union, where a decline was recorded in the same period.

He emphasized that Serbia is one of the few countries in Europe that introduces green certificatesand it is planned that by 2026 all public facilities and facilities larger than 10,000 square meters must be built according to green building standards.

He added that from 2028, all public facilities and facilities larger than 10,000 square meters will be designed according to BIM methodologywhich will enable more efficient maintenance of facilities.

The Ministry is in the process of preparing the Law on Public Infrastructure Maintenance because, according to Vesić, inadequate infrastructure maintenance is one of the biggest problems in the country. He pointed out that it is necessary for local governments and public companies to be involved in regular maintenance and allocation of funds for these needs.

Vesić also announced the acceleration of the planning documentation process through the development of software in the Spatial Planning Agency, which will enable faster and more accurate planning, along with comprehensive geographic data on illegal construction and landslides. According to him, this system will enable easier access to information about each plot.

The minister stated that work will be done next year the new Law on Planning and Construction and that a broad public discussion will be organized about it.

It is planned to introduce more public powers for the private sector in the issuing of building permits and location information, in order to speed up the procedures.

Vesić pointed out that the goal of the new law is simplifying procedures, speeding up processes and solving problems in order to create conditions for more efficient construction in Serbia.

Source: www.gradjevinarstvo.rs