State of the graphics market: Nvidia has 88% in discrete cards, Intel nothing. Laptops completely overthrow the desktop

Although we are already in the fourth quarter, the market share statistics that are processed by various analytical firms usually come with a certain delay, so it is only now that we have information about what the GPU market looks like (both integrated and discrete, and discrete in isolation). , or rather how it looked at the beginning of the holidays after the second quarter.

The overall statistics, which combine both discrete and integrated graphics (in processors), show that GPU (and processor) sales were unchanged from the first quarter, up 1.8% quarter-on-quarter. But overall, the market is doing better than a year ago, with sales up 16% year-on-year. However, the recovery appears to be greater in desktops (+21%), while slightly lower in notebooks (+13%).

This is related to the fact that the sales growth was obviously driven by the separate GPU. JPR reports that sales of CPUs (as carriers of integrated GPUs) have been declining at the same time, registering a quarter-on-quarter drop of 4.6%. This will logically result in a drop in Intel’s GPU share, as you’ll soon see.

Interesting statistic: Desktop and notebook CPU sales show that traditional desktops are a smaller and smaller part of the PC market, now less than a quarter

Author: Jon Peddie Research

It weakened in the second quarter Intelapparently due to deteriorating processor sales. In Q1 it had a share of 66%, in Q4 Jon Peddie Research reports only 64 %. This is after rounding, which muddies things quite a bit with small movements, but the firm says the exact change in share was a drop of 2.1 percentage points. By the way, a year ago Intel had 68%, so it’s a year-on-year deterioration as well.

Market shares of GPU manufacturers in Q2 2024

Market shares of GPU manufacturers in Q2 2024

Author: Jon Peddie Research

Nvidia according to JPR, on the contrary, it strengthened by two percentage points, and its rounded share rose from 18% quarter-on-quarter to 20 % in Q2 2024. It also had 18% a year ago in Q2 2023. AT AMD there was an increase, but only 0.2 percentage points, according to Jon Peddie Research, the firm has both Q1 and Q2 2024 stated share 16 %. But a year ago it was at 14%.

Separate graphics:

There is already data from the second statistic, which looks purely at separate GPUs for the desktop, i.e. additional cards in the PCI Express slot (but not at additional GPUs in notebooks). Their sales went up by 9.4% quarter-on-quarter, in the second quarter they were said to have sold 9.5 million, while in Q1 it was only 8.7 million and a year ago in Q2 2023 they said only around 6 million.

This statistic is probably more interesting for gamers (although it is true that with the expansion of gaming handhelds, the relevance of integrated GPUs increases somewhat). However, in Q2 2024, it seems that not much has changed. Both Nvidia and AMD saw sales increase, but by similar percentages. GeForce was up 9.7% vs. Q1 and AMD sales improved 9%. In reality, Nvidia has strengthened a little, but the resulting rounded shares come out the same: Nvidia has 88 % market of discrete graphics, AMD has 12 %.

Already Intel published in separate graphics 0 %. It doesn’t have to be pure zero, but anything between 0.0 and 0.49%, which would still round to zero. According to JPR, Intel Arc graphics sales quarter-on-quarter remained at the same (about low) level as in Q1, in contrast to increases at AMD and Nvidia.

Market shares of GPU manufacturers in Q2 2024

Market shares of GPU manufacturers in Q2 2024 – Desktop discrete cards only

Author: Jon Peddie Research

Nvidia benefited the most from the big year-on-year increase in discrete graphics sales mentioned above, with sales up 61.9% (vs. Q2 2023). AMD improved sales by only 3% compared to a year ago.

Market shares of GPU manufacturers in Q2 2024

Development of sales of discrete desktop GPUs (blue) and desktop processors (gray) over time

Author: Jon Peddie Research

The next results for the summer quarter (July to September) should be three months from now and should show the state of the market before the arrival of the new generation of graphics. While Nvidia’s first GeForce RTX 5000 will probably not be released until January 2025, the competition still has the possibility that new graphics will be released before Christmas – Intel’s Battlemage graphics, AMD’s Radeon RX 8000 with RDNA 4 architecture.

Sources: Jon Peddie Research (1, 2)
