Stefan Lindfors joined social media and aims to conquer the world: “I will bring new lighting, furniture and sex toys to the market”

Stefan Lindfors joined social media and aims to conquer the world: “I will bring new lighting, furniture and sex toys to the market”

Stefan Lindfors. Photo: Tiia Ahjotuli

Stefan Lindfors62, is facing a new one. Behind are 40 years of artistic career and ahead
plans for the next 40 years.

Lindfors opened its next 40-year cycle by launching the new lamp “Scaraboy”. At the same time, he opens his own online store.

Last year’s artist and designer Stefan Lindfors has developed a new lamp, which was unveiled at an invited guest party on October 10, 2024 in Helsinki’s Jätkäsaari at the AX Hotel.

Lindfors is responsible for the hotel’s concept and interior architecture. “Scaraboy” is a new version of the Scaragoo lamp, which Lindfors designed as a student project at the University of Arts and Sciences.

The famous German lighting designer Ingo Maurer saw the lamp in question in a private home and definitely wanted it in production under his own brand. It was presented to the world at the Milan furniture fair in 1988. That’s when Lindfors’s career took off.

– The lamp is also a tribute to my good friend who died in 2019 as for memory, says Lindfors.

– When we made friends Ville Valon with a video interview about my new lamp, he said that “this belongs to everyone”.

“It’s strange and interesting to join social media”

Being new is also essentially connected to using social media. Lindfors doesn’t
have not been on any social channels before. Now own channels can be found on all major platforms under the name lindforceone.

– I photograph conversations, comments, views and revelations with my social media professional. Once I was filmed cooking in my kitchen. I wanted to become a chef, but my drawing teacher Marita Reuter urged me to apply to the Academy of Arts and Sciences, and we are on that path.

The artist is clearly excited about making Some.

– I like to goof off in front of the camera. The only thing I don’t like about social media is that people seem to form their opinions from other people’s opinions. It’s dangerous and stupid!

“Swimming, work and single life”

Lindfors says that he is physically in the same condition as before. As a form of exercise
is swimming.

– I swim +10 kilometers every week. When I was traveling all the time before, so whatever
easier than taking swimming trunks and goggles with you, they almost fit in a cigarette pack. Swimming pools can be found everywhere. In addition to swimming, I cycle all year round.

– Everyday life is a person’s life. It has to be satisfied, or else you have to react yourself and do something about it immediately. My life is my work, and vice versa. For this I am eternally grateful to all the gods.

Lindfors is currently single.

– Absolutely wonderful women have come and gone, but the dog remains.

Below are pictures from the guest party on October 10, 2024.

In connection with the launch, Stefan has also produced the “His Story” video piece, which goes through the designer’s career in a music video-like style at breathtaking speed.

Photo: Valtteri Puhakka

Photo: Valtteri Puhakka

Photo: Valtteri Puhakka

Photo: Valtteri Puhakka

Photo: Valtteri Puhakka

Photo: Valtteri Puhakka

Photo: Valtteri Puhakka

Photo: Valtteri Puhakka
