In winter, you can always take cuttings from a few houseplants using smothered cuttings or water cuttings. Besides, in January, it is time to take care of Peperomia.
In January, like every month, we tell you what to do in the garden, with your houseplants, as well as advice on cuttings. This month, we look at the cutting of the Peperomiaalso called peperomya space-saving and easy-to-grow plant, which is often found in hanging arrangements or baskets.
Peperomia: a cutting to take in January
This plant with variegated or embossed foliage has several species (more than a thousand), the best known of which are the Peperomia caperata with dark red leaves and stems also called blind man’s canethe Peperomia obtusifolia or magnoliifolia with large leathery leaves, the Peperomia marmorata with leaves streaked with silvery gray and cracked veins, the Peperomia glabella with privet leaves, the Peperomia clusiifolia with smooth bright green leaves, the Peperomia Variegata Scadens…
It is a stewed cutting that we offer you today. It concerns the Peperomia hanging and not species resembling perennials whose leaves emerge from the ground.
The material needed for cutting a peperomy
In a greenhouse, under plastic, under a bottle…. Many means exist to create the so-called “smothered” atmosphere: heat, humidity. But the latter are not very aesthetically pleasing indoors. Why not use a large jar with a lid that you can find at flea markets for a few euros?
It’s very decorative and in spring, after repotting, you will have new plants for your interior!
Reminder: what is cuttings?
Cuttings are an important operation in horticulture since they allow the identical multiplication and at a lower cost, of plants whose conformity cannot (or is difficult) to be obtained by sowing: it is a method of plant reproduction, simple to use and within everyone’s reach.
This is the case for herbaceous plants such as Pelargonium, chrysanthemums, coleus (Solenostenum) and especially almost all ornamental woody plants, trees or shrubs. The cutting operation covers two main events: the production of adventitious roots from a fragment of the mother plant (stem, leaf, etc.) then the reconstitution of a whole plant from this rooted fragment.
Read also: 3 ways to take cuttings from a hoya
The cutting period depends on the species chosen and the type of cutting. Cuttings are generally more successful when they are taken during the plant’s growth period.
Cutting a Peperomia Etouffee: the procedure to follow
- Choose a jar that can be sealed tightly.
- At the bottom, place a layer of clay balls or any other material that will prevent the roots from soaking, then add seedling soil on top.
- Plant a few stems of Peperomia (at least 4 to have a well-stocked plant).
- You can add colored gravel for aquariums, pearls…
- Water once and let it happen: as long as there is mist on the walls, you will not need to water.
Please note: you should still open the lid about once a week, for a few minutes, to avoid any rotting, and also to remove any leaves that touch the walls, but this is not essential.
In spring, repot the stems in a pot in houseplant potting soil. Place the pots where they will have the most light for them. Variedbut no direct sun. In the spring you can apply fertilizer like all other houseplants.
Cutting Peperomia is not very complicated and not expensive at all. Get started and don’t hesitate to leave your experience or comments in comments!
Article updated
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