Stock markets opened higher in Europe | Bond

The stock markets had an upward opening on Tuesday morning in Europe.

The Stoxx Europe 600 stock index, which follows the price development of shares of large European companies, was 0.6 percent higher compared to yesterday’s closing reading.

London’s FTSE 100 and Madrid’s Ibex 35 were up 0.7 percent. The Cac 40 in Paris was up 0.6 percent and the Dax in Frankfurt was up 0.4 percent.

For example, the financial and energy sectors supported the development of European indices. The technology sector, on the other hand, did not do as well, which was also visible on Wall Street yesterday.

Research center ZEW is publishing data today on how economists and analysts see the German economy developing in the medium term.

However, it has been speculated in the market reviews that this will not be given much weight, but attention will be focused this week above all on the US central bank Fed’s interest rate decision.
