Strange things are happening at Putin’s dacha – Is the Russian president afraid for his life?

According to the investigative portal Proekt, the house named Bocharov Ruchei was demolished in March. Now there is a pit in its place, in which they work with machines.

Bocharov Ruchei served as a vacation spot for Soviet party secretaries from the 1960s, and after the collapse of the Soviet Union, it became the official residence of the then Russian president. He was hosted at the dacha Joszip Broz Tito late Yugoslav communist leader, but here was Putin and George W. Bush former US president in 2008, respectively Dmitry Medvedev former Russian head of state and Angela Merkel also the 2009 meeting of the former German chancellor.

The satellite image from March 2023 shows that the dacha was still standing, but in the photo from March this year, it has already cooled down.

According to Proekt, Putin has not visited Sochi on the Black Sea coast or his house there for seven months.

Cover image source: Shutterstock
