Succeeds where alfalfa cannot, drought tolerant – Why grow yellow star?

In the light of unfavorable climatic conditions – drought, strong spring frosts, extremely high temperatures, large temperature fluctuations, it is important to look for plant cultures that show good tolerance to them and are adaptable. If we talk about plants that are used to feed livestock, one in particular stands out both for its resistance and for its quality as livestock feed. It is a yellow star.

Succeeds where alfalfa cannot, drought tolerant – Why grow yellow star?

Yellow star is sown either in early spring (March, April), or in this period (from the end of August to mid-September). This plant is perennial, it even gives off branches 7 years.

Tolerance to climatic and growing conditions

To begin with, it is important to note that the yellow star has well developed root which reaches up to 1.5 meters in depth.

Perhaps the most important fact about this plant is that it thrives on all types of land. It can be sown on wet, dry, clayey, sandy soils, with a pH range of even 4 do 9. Yellow star is a fodder plant that has proven itself the most resistant for cultivation when it comes to salty land.

This plant will grow on lands where lucerka will not because of the unfavorable structure and composition of the soil. It has a longer period of use compared to red cloverand will succeed where she will not give a large amount of mass.

Yellow star is not demanding in terms of temperature – the seeds of this plant will germinate at a temperature of only 4 degrees. Also, small plants will successfully withstand incredible temperatures -60 degrees, while older yellow star plants will overcome -25 degrees. It is also tolerant of different amounts of water – namely, it effectively tolerates a lack of precipitation, that is drought (well-developed root), but also excessive water, that is, flooding. Another big plus – it can be grown in the plains, but also in hilly – mountainous regions where it is an important fodder plant.

It has substances that make it resistant to diseases and pests compared to other legumes.

Livestock nutrition

These substances are contained in the yellow star flower and are bitter, and cattle do not want to eat them graze at the time of flowering. Therefore, it is used for this purpose before flowering.

Yellow starYellow starPhoto:Pixabay

The most important feature of yellow star as a fodder plant is that it does not provoke flatulence in domestic animals, it has excellent digestibility. It is grown as the main (pure) crop or together with other grasses, most often in mixtures with I’m rockingcat’s tail, hedgehog. It gives precisely in mixtures better results.

It has a wide purpose, it is used for grazing, like breast or silage.

There is a yellow star annually 2 or 3 otkosawhile in the first year there are 1 or 2 swaths. The yield of green mass is 35 – 40 tonswhile the amount of hay it gives is 8 – 10 tons per hectare.

The yellow star is cut at a height of 10 centimeters. When hay is prepared, the above-mentioned bitterness is lost and cattle are very happy to eat it. Hay contains about 18 percent raw proteins.
