Sumar will hold its second state assembly on December 14 and 15 to establish its new roadmap

The Coordinating Group of Sumar, its highest management body, has agreed this Saturday to call the second state assembly of the formation for December 14 and 15, according to sources from the formation.

In this sense, the aforementioned sources explain that the event will take place in Madrid with a strong political component to update its roadmap of the major ideological aspects and also its organic structure.

Sumar has already set a date for its organic conclave, a key event for its rearmament process after its bad electoral cycle, and the question of whether a new general coordinator will be elected at that conclave is still pending.

This year’s regional and European elections were a severe setback for Sumar, also linked to tensions with allied parties. The day after 9J, the second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, decided the day after 9J to resign as federal coordinator of the project she promoted, after being elected to that position at the end of March, and remain as a reference for the space within the Government.

Interim coordinator

Faced with this organic void, Sumar chose to deploy a choral and interim coordinator composed of the Secretary of Organization, Lara Hernández, the Secretary of State Rosa Martínez, the deputy Txema Guijarro and the Secretary of Communication of Sumar, Elizabeth Duval.

In parallel, Sumar opened a new stage with its partners after 9J and, in consensus with them, the deployment of a party table with IU, Más Madrid, ‘Comunes’ and Verdes Equo to open a new stage of horizontality and a relationship on an equal footing, while other forces such as Compromís, Chunta or Més are limited to mere electoral collaboration.

In this way, he parked the inclusion of his allies in internal bodies to which he gave 30% of the management positions, something that already caused clashes with formations such as IU and that was finally put on hold due to the tensions over the positions of the European list.

Thus, it decided in consensus with IU, Más Madrid, ‘Comunes’ or Verdes Equo to deploy a party table to make strategic decisions horizontally and on an equal footing, of which a first meeting was already held with organizational secretaries.

Precisely this Friday and within the framework of the annual party of the PCE, the person in charge of Organization of Sumar defended the formation of alliances in the alternative left from the recognition of the plurinational, the diversity of the space, without ideological limitations and also from the premise of “one person one vote”. And he stressed that in that space no one was “eternal or essential.”

What has become clear after the meeting of the Coordinating Group is that the second assembly will seek to promote Sumar’s political proposal with the idea of ​​going on the offensive on the country’s main issues, such as feminism, environmentalism, housing and reduction of working hours.

This Saturday, the spokesperson for the formation, Ernest Urtasun, highlighted in previous statements to the media that the internal plan will be done calmly and that his priority is to carry out the main social measures, such as housing, remuneration for permits and reduction of working hours. . “We are setting the agenda,” he emphasized.

Assemblies in Euskadi and Galicia

Sumar is also in the process of strengthening its territorial structure, aware that this is precisely one of the handicaps that the new leftist formations have suffered from, as Podemos suffered, for example, in some communities.

Specifically, Sumar will culminate in November the assembly processes in Euskadi and Galicia, where they were deployed as a party for the last regional elections.
