Summary of the book: How to Speak so People Will Really Listen

Summary of the book: How to Speak so People Will Really Listen How to Speak So People Really ListenWritten by Paul McGee, through this book he provides many tips for anyone who finds himself speaking in a group… and finds no one listening to him attentively… and feels that the message he would like to convey to others has not been conveyed.

Therefore; McGee presented this book as a guide for anyone who wants to develop speaking skills. Through this book, which is considered the ideal guide, to provide practical and psychological strategies, to attract the attention of groups and influence them.

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Summary of the book: How to Speak so People Will Really Listen

Through this distinguished book, the author provides a complete guide, through several chapters of up to five. In each chapter he presents an important tool for the individual to become an influential and confident speaker. Through several motivational tips and proven guidelines, which have been greatly successful. In the following lines, we will provide a quick overview of what each chapter covers.

The first chapter of the book How to Speak so People Will Listen: The power and importance of preparation

The writer emphasizes a very important point, which is the necessity of doing good preparation, before starting an effective speech to the audience, or to a group of individuals.. The writer also says that the analysis is what will make there excellent preparation.. so that it constitutes the difference between a successful and influential speaker and another who He could not achieve significant success and did not influence anyone.

Preparation does not mean collecting ideas, but it is necessary to understand the individuals to whom this talk is directed. For example: If you are a content creator and want to make a presentation about what you offer, then understanding the needs of your audience, and what information they are seeking to obtain, is what will shape the difference.

With excellent preparation, you will be able to attract that audience in a short time, instead of talking aimlessly and touching on complex topics in which the audience loses focus on you. Always and forever make the speech valuable and relevant, so that the listener cannot waste a minute without hearing you.

How to control your stress

One of the biggest obstacles facing an influencer is the feeling of tension. Therefore, author McGee focused on this point in the second chapter of the book, where he presented important techniques in order to control that tension, and how an individual can have calm nerves before he speaks. In front of crowds of people.

The writer pointed out the importance of the deep, slow breathing technique, with the individual imagining that he has succeeded in conveying the message he seeks. The writer stressed that this small technique, which may not be mentioned, is the difference between conversations full of confidence, and others in which the audience does not understand anything. Except that its owner is hesitant and nervous.

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How to build bridges of communication

In the third chapter of the book How to Speak and People Actually Listen, author McGee pointed out how a strong connection is built between the influencer and the audience… and how this point is considered the deciding point, which determines whether the individual will succeed as an influencer or not.

The writer emphasized that there are several factors that can work to build bridges of communication between the influencer and his audience, including:

  • Voice tone.
  • Body language.
  • Visual communication.

The writer gave an example of the importance of these points through an example: If a manager is in a meeting and wants to reach an important point addressed to someone, then the manager looks directly at this individual to whom he directs this point. With the use of an assertive tone, this action can make a direct impact and convey the message more clearly, and it will also make others pay attention to the manager better.

What is meant here is; It is for the influencer to use the appropriate language for him, whether physical, audio, or visual, based on the way he communicates with the audience.

Summary of the book How to Speak so People Will Listen: How to Speak Effectively

Summary of the book: How to Speak so People Will Listen

In that chapter, the author deals with a strategy in a practical way, in order to make the talk effective. He offers a number of tips, including simplicity and lack of complexity in the talk. He gave a very important example of this, which is: not using complex technical terms to an audience that is not specialized, but likes To be educated in that field.

The writer emphasized the necessity of explaining concepts through simple daily examples. The writer also added a very important strategy, which is not repeating sentences, because the audience feels bored if they do not get new information every two sentences. This means not repeating words. Rather, he made every sentence carry a new meaning.

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The final chapter is how to deal with negative comments and questions

The writer devoted the last chapter of the book to the correct methods of dealing with any sudden negative questions or comments. He advised influencers, whether those who have direct dealings with the public, or influencers who do not deal directly with the public, on the importance of dealing wisely with any embarrassing or negative comments or questions. Negative.

He gave an example that if one of you encounters an embarrassing question in one of the meetings, the strategy to be followed is to always acknowledge that this question is important, whatever its nature… and then present the answer in an organized and logical manner… The writer emphasized that this method enhances credibility and shows the audience that this influencer can To deal with any difficult situation with the utmost confidence.

As for the negative comments that may come from one of the audience… they can be dealt with with the utmost wisdom… and show that this negative comment is nothing but a brick that builds the path to success… but do not neglect it in an exaggerated manner if there are ten negative comments… at least a response must be made. On three of them.

Thus, we find that writer Paul McGee offers a number of valuable tips that are considered tools for any individual who wants to influence a group…and make them listen to him with focus and interest…and these tools represent a good assistant in a journey of success in which the influencer is a confident speaker and can influence his target audience.
