Sunburn: Which globules help

If you expose yourself to UV radiation for too long, you risk getting sunburned. Minor skin burns caused by intensive sunbathing can be treated yourself. What can you do if you get sunburned and which globules can help?

Quick overview: Frequently asked questions and answers

Which globules help with sunburn? Belladonna and Apis mellifica are often recommended for sunburn. Belladonna can be helpful for very red skin and fever, while Apis mellifica can help with burning, stinging pain and swelling.

How do I dose globules for sunburn? For Belladonna and Apis mellifica, a potency of D12 is often recommended, with a dosage of 3-5 globules three times daily.

Are globules suitable for children with sunburn? Yes, but medical advice should be sought beforehand, especially for babies and small children with sunburn.

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What is sunburn?

A sunburn is a burn, i.e. heat damage to the skin caused by UV radiation. In the case of a mild sunburn, the burn is noticeable through symptoms such as painful redness, slight swelling and overheating of the skin.

If blisters also form and the skin peels off, this is called a second degree sunburn, which is very painful. A third degree sunburn is a severe and extremely painful burn. The top layers of skin are destroyed and scars can remain.

Cooling and homeopathy: Treating mild sunburn yourself

A mild sunburn without blistering can often be treated yourself. In most cases, it is sufficient to cool the affected area of ​​skin and apply skin-soothing gels or lotions.

However, if larger areas of skin or the sensitive skin of babies or small children are affected, a doctor should be consulted even if the sunburn is mild.

The same applies to sunburn where blisters have already formed. In this case, the doctor can prescribe anti-inflammatory painkillers and apply ointment dressings to promote healing. Treatment for third-degree burns is usually carried out in hospital.

Homeopathy can also be used as a supportive treatment for all forms of sunburn to activate the body’s self-healing powers and thus accelerate the healing process.

Homeopathic active ingredients for sunburn

The following homeopathic remedies can be used to relieve the symptoms of sunburn:

  • Belladonna: Belladonna is the right remedy for first degree sunburn with severe redness of the skin, pain when touched and fever. Belladonna can be particularly helpful if, in addition to sunburn, there is also sunstroke with severe headaches.

  • Apis mellifica: It is also often used for sunburn and can especially help with burning, stinging pain and swollen skin.

  • Cantharis: Recommended for the relief of burning pain in second degree sunburn with blistering and restlessness.

  • Caustic: Causticum can help with second degree sunburn with blistering, when the wounds and blisters heal poorly and almost healed scars break open again.

For self-treatment, low potencies such as D6 and D12 are particularly recommended.

For the use of higher potencies, a particularly precise match between the clinical picture and the chosen remedy is required. For this reason, when using globules with a potency of C30 and higher, the advice of people with homeopathic knowledge should be sought, for example in a pharmacy.

Homeopathy for sunburn: Is prevention possible?

Homeopathy cannot prevent sunburn. To protect the skin, it can be helpful to follow a few rules:

  • Avoid sun exposure during midday from 11am to 3pm
  • Observe the natural protection time of the respective skin type
  • Choose sunscreen with sufficiently high sun protection and apply accordingly
  • Apply cream particularly carefully to uncovered areas of the body (nose, ears, décolleté, back of the hand, etc.) and wear a hat
  • Protect sensitive children’s skin with clothing and sun creams with extra high UV filters
  • Do not expose babies up to one year of age to direct sunlight

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