Sunny and warm, the highest daily temperature is 25 degrees

WEATHER in Serbia in the morning in the basins, river valleys and plateaus of southwestern, southern and southeastern Serbia foggy, in some places with a weak ground frost, and during the day mostly sunny and warm.

A weak and moderate, east and strong northwest wind will blow.

The lowest temperature from 2 to 12 degrees, the highest daily from 20 to 25.

Weather in Belgrade

Mostly sunny and warm. A weak and moderate northwesterly wind will blow.

The lowest temperature is 10 to 12 degrees, the highest daily temperature is around 23.

The weather for the next days

During the next seven days, the mornings will be cold, in some places with light frost on the ground, and in the lower regions with fog or low cloudiness, which may persist even longer in some places.

The weather will be moderate to completely cloudy in most places, dry, and only in some places with light rain.

The highest daily temperature will be from 17 to 21 degrees.

According to the RHMZ forecast, at the end of the weekend and at the beginning of the next week, stronger cloud cover and noticeable cooling is expected.


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