The Hungarian Mineral Oil Association Its 2024 fuel statistics show a minimal drop from the previous year. In 2024, a total of 3.89 billion liters of fuel were consumed in Hungary, 0.6 percent less than in 2023 (3.91 billion liters).
A larger decline was recorded for normal diesel: after 2.20 billion liters in 2023, 2.14 billion liters were sold last year, which is a decrease of 2.7 percent. 1.27 billion liters of 95 gasoline were consumed, 1.3 percent less than the amount in 2023 (1.29 billion liters).
Although the share of premium products is not particularly high, they were able to cosmeticize the numbers. 269 million liters of premium gasoline were sold after 245 million liters in 2023, which corresponds to an increase of 9.8 percent. 202 million liters of premium diesel were sold, which is a 15.6 percent increase compared to 175 million liters in 2023.