Survivor 2024: Getshimani Koutouzoglou released on condition

The 36-year-old Special Forces NCO, Getshimani Koutouzoglou, who was brought to military justice after being arrested because she had not received a special permit from the Redina unit, where she serves, to participate in Survivor 2024, was released on parole.

Specifically, according to information from, the 36-year-old woman, who was brought before the military prosecutor, was released on condition, while she was also given a deadline to apologize.

In fact, they were accused of desertion and the fact that she did not inform her Service about the participation.

Finally, until a regular trial is set, Getshimani Koutouzoglou will return to her unit normally.

The announcement of the family

“In view of publications and placement in television shows regarding the participation of Officer Koutouzoglou Getshimani in the TV program Survivor, broadcast by the TV station SKAI, it is clarified that Mrs. Koutouzoglou has exercised the rights that, in her view, are provided by the existing legislation in the entirety of permanent military personnel, while the final judgment on the legality of its actions belongs exclusively to the competent bodies and cannot be the subject of comment by third parties, who are not in a position to know the facts of the case.

It is noted that, due to the confidentiality of the documents and internal procedures of the armed forces, the mass media must treat and display relevant information with every reservation and with strict adherence to the principles of journalistic ethics. It is emphasized that the issues concerning her official status, as well as the issuance of any kind of administrative acts related to her, constitute personal and confidential data that go back to the operation of the armed forces.

Mrs. Koutouzoglou has served her country with zeal and dedication by participating in demanding military trainings and receiving a series of international distinctions. Her many years of service and unceasing devotion to her superiors and colleagues are testimony to her integrity and ethics.

However, despite her excellent service record and while in the past there have been cases of participation of members of the armed forces in television programs without causing this disturbance, the dimensions taken by the issue of service status in the mass media appear worrying. The over-promotion should not alter the juristic nature of the process, which is already underway, nor should it result, intentionally or unintentionally, in misinformation and the creation of impressions against public opinion.

At this moment, we are all called to stand with understanding towards a woman who has dedicated her life and career to the armed forces and who, with a feeling of deep respect for the institutions and hierarchy of the ED, sought her participation in a television program for personal reasons”.
