Svjetlost clinic gathered the world’s best experts in ophthalmology

More than 65 world-class ophthalmologists gathered the Croatian Society for Cataract and Refractive Surgery (CSCRS) and Klinika Svjetlost at the jubilee, 15th CSCRS Congress under the famous motto ‘New trends in ophthalmology’ which took place in Zagreb on October 25 and 26.

About 600 participants, many of whom were experts and ophthalmologists from the region, witnessed top-class lectures, unique educations and networking of the ophthalmology profession. It was a unique opportunity for all participants, among whom there was a significant number of ophthalmologists from Montenegro, to meet some of the world’s most sought-after experts in this field of medicine.

At the two days of ophthalmology of the future, the Svjetlost Clinic team once again proved that they are at the top of the world in terms of the quality of scientific and professional activity in the field of ophthalmology and the creation and introduction of global treatment trends into clinical practice.

“We are extremely proud that Croatia has confirmed with this Congress that it is a relevant factor on the world scene of ophthalmology, and our goal is to give all colleagues from the region the opportunity to get free access to knowledge and innovations that change everyone’s life for the better. This year we are celebrating the jubilee 15th Congress with the largest number of renowned lecturers so far, and we were especially pleased to see numerous colleagues from Montenegro who took advantage of this unique opportunity to hear about the latest trends in eye health”. he stated prof.Ph.D. Nikica Gabrić, doyen of ophthalmology in the region and owner of the Svjetlost Clinic adding how Svjetlost Budva has been operating since 2018 as the leading ophthalmology clinic in Montenegro under the leadership of dr. Nade Džaković.

With this congress, the market leader Special Hospital for Ophthalmology Svjetlost provided all participants from the region with a unique opportunity to get to know in one place everything that currently represents the top of world ophthalmology, and through the Wet Lab workshops, equipped to learn how to perform the 3rd generation of laser dioptre removal on on site, presented the procedures for performing lenticular extraction, as well as the PHACO Wet Lab for cataract surgery and LipiFlow procedures.

Among the influential lecturers, three presidents stood out: dr. Erik Mertens former president, Dr. Sheraz Daya, current president of the American-European Society of Eye Surgeons (AECOS) and the future president of AECOS dr. Francesco Carones.

“Carones, for example, is one of the most quoted and famous speakers at world congresses who, after educating doctors how to be better doctors, is currently educating them through the Ophthalpreneurs project to be more successful businessmen, through the promotion of ophthalmology as a business model”she pointed out Ph.D. Nada Džaković.

Leading world scientist and expert, distinguished lecturer, prof. Ph.D. sc. Lyndon da Cruz from the famous Moorfields Eye Hospital, at the invitation of our leading retinologist prof. Ratimir Lazić from Svjetlosta he gave a lecture as a pioneer of stem cell transplantation in the treatment of hereditary retinal diseases.

Five awards were given at the congress – for outstanding contribution to ophthalmology dr. Sherazu Day, dr. Uday Devganu for the invaluable source of open and free education on the website, where he has been educating colleagues on the most performed cataract surgeries for 10 years via his YouTube channel. The award winners are i dr. Francesco Carones to promote education and entrepreneurship in ophthalmology and dr. David Sung Yong Kangthe surgeon who performed the largest number of lenticular procedures, i.e. procedures of the third generation of laser dioptre removal in the world and who is considered by many colleagues to be one of the most successful, fastest and most prominent surgeons in the world. A Lyndon da Cruzu was awarded the award for visionary leadership in ophthalmic research, education and patient care.

The two-day meeting of the world’s ophthalmology elite ended with a festive dinner in the Lisinski hall, which was organized for all the guests. prof. Ph.D. Nikica Gabrić and it was also an opportunity for networking where everyone agreed that Croatia is at the top of the world in innovation in ophthalmology for a reason.

