Swedbank’s results and the new manager of the listed company

In the Wednesday morning program of Äripää radio, we offer listeners information about Swedbank’s quarterly results, what is happening in the gas and electricity markets, and we get to know the new manager of Arco Vara.

  • Arco Vara’s council elected Kristina Mustonen, who last managed Maxima Eesti, as the company’s new manager.
  • Photo: Raul Mee

At 8 o’clock we call Marko Allikson, a member of the board of the independent energy trading company Baltic Energy Partners, at 8:30 we expect Olavi Lepp, head of Swedbank Eesti, in the studio, and at 9:00 Arco Vara’s new CEO Kristina Mustonen will join the presenters.

The morning program is brought to the listeners by Janno Riispapp and Stiine Reintam.

The program day continues with two programs:

13.00-14.00 “Energy class”. Since Estonia is leaving the Russian electricity grid, Elering announced a public tender to ensure independent control of the frequency of the Estonian electricity system.

In the show, we will talk about the conditions of this procurement and describe who and how could provide up to 500 megawatts of production and storage capacities to the domestic grid, how it will strengthen the Estonian electricity grid, and we will also talk about how to better organize such a procurement in the future.

Elering board member Erkki Sapp and renewable energy producer Sunly Estonia Country Manager Klaus Pilar will speak. The presenter is Lauri Leet.

15.00–16.00 “Eripäu focus”. As many as 150,000 Estonians need the help of medication to see their friend. In the experience of Kene Vernik, a sleep consultant and psychologist, the main cause of insomnia is excessive work and worry. Vernik and I talk about what happens to our bodies when we work too much and rest too little.

The program will discuss the short-term and long-term effects of insomnia on health and why drugs are not enough to treat insomnia.

The presenter is Eget Velleste. The show was broadcast in April this year.

Listen to Äripää radio in Tallinn and Harjumaa 92.4 MHz, Tartu 97.7 MHz, Pärnu 91.9 MHz, Haapsalu 96.0 MHz, Saaremaa 101.7 MHz, Ida-Virumaa 94.6 MHz, Raplama 101.8 MHz and Järvamaa 104.3 MHz.

You can find the listening link and weekly schedule here.

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Source: www.aripaev.ee