“Tagesschau” affected by ARD employees’ strike

For weeks, union members and ARD companies have been negotiating over employee salaries, which is why the strike also caused program cancellations. The “Tagesschau” is also affected.

The “Tagesschau”, one of the most well-known news programs on German television, is affected by an ARD employee strike. The night editions of the “Tagesschau” have been cancelled, announced the responsible public broadcaster Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR) in Hamburg. Early in the morning, “Tagesschau” spokesman Constantin Schreiber told viewers directly on the program that there were restrictions due to the strike.

ARD employees’ strike affects BR, WDR and Radio Bremen

When asked by dpa, the ARD broadcaster NDR explained: “The early editions were affected in that no graphic elements were available.” The NDR is trying to keep the impact of the warning strike on its programs as minimal as possible. There may be program changes at certain points.

Die „daily News“ will be like the “Current affairs“ was produced on the NDR premises in Hamburg in the ARD joint organization ARD-aktuell. NDR employees took part in the warning strike.

Collective bargaining between unions and the ARD broadcasters has been going on for many weeks. There have already been warning strikes in several places, affecting Bayerischer Rundfunk, Westdeutscher Rundfunk and Radio Bremen, for example. There have been repeated disruptions to programming.

Text: dpa / Editor: Felix Ritter

Source: www.digitalfernsehen.de