Take control of your diet! Nutritionist’s advice for a healthy life!

In today’s world full of fast food, processed food and too much sugar, maintaining a healthy diet is becoming more and more challenging. However, proper nutrition plays a key role in maintaining health, energy and vitality. In order to feel our best, we need to take control of what we put into our bodies.

Nutritionists are here to help us learn how to choose the right foods, balance our intake of nutrients and avoid the hidden pitfalls of an unhealthy diet. Focusing on natural and whole foods can help us achieve optimal health, improve digestion, speed up metabolism and maintain stable energy levels throughout the day.

Why is coconut sugar an ideal substitute for white sugar?

Coconut sugar is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to white sugar due to its many health benefits and natural origin. While white sugar is highly processed and often devoid of nutrients, coconut sugar retains many important minerals and fiber, making it a more nutritious option for sweetening foods and beverages. It is produced from the flower nectar of the coconut palm and contains natural nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, zinc and iron, which sets it apart from refined sugars.

One of the main benefits of coconut sugar is its low glycemic index (GI). Coconut sugar has a GI of around 35, meaning it raises blood sugar more slowly compared to white sugar, which has a GI of over 60. This is especially useful for people who want to avoid insulin spikes, which are associated with an increased risk of diabetes. obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular problems. Due to its lower glycemic index, coconut sugar helps maintain a stable energy level throughout the day, without the feeling of a sudden drop or hunger after consuming sweet food.

In addition, coconut sugar also contains inulin – a type of prebiotic fiber that helps improve intestinal flora and the digestive system. Inulin slows down the absorption of glucose, which additionally contributes to maintaining a stable blood sugar level. This feature makes it suitable for people who want to reduce their sugar intake, but still enjoy the natural sweetness. Coconut sugar is an ideal substitute for white sugar in cooking, baking or sweetening drinks, providing a natural and healthier way to sweeten your meals.

How to properly distribute protein intake during the day?

Proper protein intake is crucial for maintaining muscle mass, strengthening immunity, and maintaining optimal energy levels throughout the day. However, many people do not consume protein evenly distributed throughout their meals, but generally consume it in larger quantities during dinner. This way of eating can lead to a weaker utilization of proteins by the body, while distributing the intake of proteins evenly throughout the day enables their maximum effect.

One of the most effective ways to ensure optimal protein synthesis is to start the day with a rich breakfast, which includes foods such as eggs, yogurt, or protein smoothies. This allows the body to start regenerating and rebuilding muscles immediately after a night’s fast. Research shows that a protein intake of around 20-30 grams per meal is ideal for most people, as it helps maintain energy levels and supports muscle recovery throughout the day.

In order to distribute protein intake properly, it is important that both lunch and snacks contain sources of protein, such as chicken, fish, legumes or nuts. This balanced intake of protein during the day ensures the maintenance of muscle mass and optimal functioning of the body. Also, including protein in every meal and snack helps control appetite and prevents overeating, because protein increases the feeling of satiety and maintains a stable blood sugar level.

How does fiber improve digestion?

Fiber is a key part of a healthy diet, although often neglected. This important component helps in the proper functioning of the digestive system, supports intestinal health and plays an important role in the prevention of various digestive problems, such as constipation. Fibers are a type of carbohydrates that the body cannot completely break down, so they pass through the digestive system almost intact, helping to regulate digestion and eliminate toxins.

There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble, and both play a key role in improving digestion. Soluble fiber, found in foods like oats, apples and peas, absorbs water and forms a gel-like substance that helps slow down digestion. This allows nutrients to be absorbed more efficiently and sugars to be released into the bloodstream more slowly, contributing to more stable blood sugar levels. Insoluble fiber, found in whole grains, nuts and vegetables, adds bulk to the stool and helps it pass through the intestines more quickly, reducing the risk of constipation and improving regularity.

Regular fiber intake can significantly improve gut health and help maintain a healthy body weight, as fiber creates a feeling of satiety, thus reducing calorie intake. In addition, fibers act as natural “cleaners” of the intestines, removing food residues and toxins from the digestive tract. Due to its many health benefits, nutritionists recommend a daily fiber intake of at least 25-30 grams, with plenty of water, to ensure their effective action on the digestive system.

Source: www.economy.rs