Salim of Sherpur, who was shot by the police in Narayanganj during the anti-discrimination movement, is being treated at Mymensingh Medical College Hospital for a long time. He underwent emergency surgery on Monday.
On Tuesday, BNP acting chairman Tarek Rahman went to see Salim in the hospital, BNP health affairs secretary Dr. Rafiqul Islam. At that time, Salim said that when he went to Dhaka Medical College Hospital for treatment after being injured by gunshots, he was not treated but was kicked out by harassment. At this time, a heartbreaking scene happened in Selim’s tears.
Dr. Rafiq sought his treatment from the hospital authorities and the injured Salim’s mother was given financial assistance by BNP Acting Chairman Tariq Rahman.
Dr. in a short speech. Rafiqul Islam said that all those doctors who were supported by the last fascist government who obstructed the medical work are still working in their respective places under the current health conditions. There are allegations that many of them are taking promotion or posting as per their demand with the help of another group. On behalf of the party, the medical assistance and rehabilitation process of those injured in the democratic movement or anti-discrimination movement will continue in the future and all those doctors who obstruct the treatment will be held accountable.
DAB Mymensingh Medical College and Hospital Branch President Dr. Md. Badr Uddin Sohel, General Secretary Dr. Nasim, vice president of the volunteer team. Jahedul Kabir Zahid, Youth Health Affairs Secretary Vice-President Dr. Jahangir Hossain, vice president of Chhatra Dal. Dr. Awal, health affairs secretary of the volunteer group. Mizanur Rahman, former health secretary of Chhatra Dal. Ershad Mia, Joint General Secretary of Private Medical and Dental College Chhatra Dal. DAB leaders including Mummy Ansari.
(Dhaka Times/31 December/JB/MR)