Teenage pregnancy: the story of Stella and Nikola

A lovely young mother with a newborn baby in her arms talks honestly about her birth on Tiktok. How old is the young woman actually, because she looks really young, you wonder like many others in the comments. These days she came of age, and her young father is a year and a half younger than her.

The two teenagers became the parents of a little one a month ago Victoria. The pregnancy took them by surprise and opened up a lot of fears and questions that they had to think through thoroughly before deciding to take on such a big responsibility as taking care of a new life. We visited them in Piran, where they live with his family, and found out that they are doing very well in their new role.

When we knocked on the door of the apartment where they live, the month-old baby was just starting to wake up from her morning nap. Young daddy Nikola he skilfully lifted her and brought her Stemsand she lovingly kissed her and started to feed her. Both mommy and daddy looked calm, not at all tired or worried. Viktoria is a very hardworking baby, they said, rarely cries. At night, Stela takes care of her so that Nikola sleeps, and in the morning around six, her father takes her over so that Stela can catch up on a few hours of sleep. Then they take care of her together if Nikola is not at work.

He dropped out of mechatronics school after his first year. He wants to be an auto mechanic, so in a few years he will enroll in auto mechanic school while working, because he sees his own auto repair shop in the future. Until then, I would like to work and save some money. All summer this year he earned money as a waiter on the coast, but last week he went to negotiate a job in the warehouse of one of the larger shopping centers. If you want to work, there is enough work, he says. They met a year ago, when Stela and her friend, who had some acquaintances in Primorska, visited Nikola’s school. The boys warmed to the young beauties and invited them to come again. Nikola was among the most persistent, laughs Stela. The next time they came, they partied all night long and a spark was born between Stella and Nikola. »At one point I took his phone, took a picture with it and wrote on my picture that I like him. When he later found the picture, he called me, we started talking more and more and that’s how it startedAt the beginning, Stela came to visit him in Piran, when her parents got to know her better, they also allowed him to visit her in Gorenjska, where she lived with her father, and they also visited her mother, who lives in Krško.


The two lovers initially ignored the signs that something was happening to Stella’s body. »I started to feel very sick, everything smelled bad, I had a lot of headaches and felt sick,” describes why she took a pregnancy test after the New Year. He was positive. Of course, they hoped it wouldn’t happen, but they weren’t too surprised by the result either. »We knew what could happen, but we were so much in love, and in this state, we were already thinking about what it would be like when we got married and had children. I didn’t think it would happen so quickly, but then we started to look forward, I always wanted to be a young mother. I think it’s nice if people have children young, just like it was in the old days

»My grandmother had my mother at sixteen and my mother also gave birth to me young, it seems it runs in the family,” smiled Nikola, admitting that his mother was a little suspicious of what was going on, as he kept going to her to get anti-nausea pills for Stella.

How to proceed?

The pregnancy, which they did not plan, still brought a lot of fear about the future, doubts and questions. »We wondered what to do, how to tell the parents, we thought about where we would live if we kept the child. When we decided that we both wanted him, we also considered the possibilities of how we could go out alone. We imagined that Nikola would find a job, and I am taking a break this school year, and in the future I plan to finish the fourth year of teacher training school and get a job as a teacher. In addition, I would like to do a course in gelling and nail and eyelash extensions for extra income.“They told their parents about the pregnancy when they could still have an abortion, but they took the news well. »My parents knew that I loved children, that I was mature enough and that I would be able to take care of a child well. Nikolo’s father told us to think again, because having a child at the age of sixteen is not an easy task. In the end, everyone said that they would support us and help us as much as they could. If I could not live in Piran, I could also live with my father or mother, but since it means a lot to Nikoli that his family is close, we decided to stay in Piran. Our main wish was that our parents help us while we are still in school, and we will take care of Viktoria ourselves

Everyone welcomed me nicely

Stella confided in us that her generation is increasingly thinking about younger people having families. Many of her friends and classmates are already engaged. »Many girls already have a boyfriend at thirteen; it seems to me that we mature earlier. My mother only started going out in her twenties, but we’ve all been doing it since we were fifteen. Since I’ve been together with Nikola, I stopped going out and didn’t hang out with my friends as much anymore. It seems to me that I have attracted quite a bit of attention among them. On the one hand, I expected to be judged for being too young and a little crazy to have a baby at that age, but I have to say that no one was rude. They asked me how I was feeling, if they would be able to see the baby. Except for individuals on Tiktok, everyone welcomed my pregnancy.” Pregnancy was one of the most stressful periods in her life, as she felt unwell almost to the end.

Stela says that her generation is increasingly thinking about younger people having families. Many of her friends and classmates are already engaged.

After the end of the school year, she moved to Piran and spent most of her time lying down and resting. As soon as they decided to keep the child, they started saving, but otherwise, Stela says, she was more modest than ever and saved most of the money she got. After giving birth, she received a municipal award, a one-time parental allowance, and will also regularly receive parental and child allowance. »We didn’t waste anything on ourselves, we kept everything for Viktoria so that we could buy everything she needed ourselves. It was a real experience to choose things for her. I couldn’t wait for her to be born so that I could dress her in something new every day

They will take care of the child alone

A gynecologist from Jesenice took care of her throughout her pregnancy, and the last few days before giving birth, she went for check-ups at the Izola maternity hospital, where she later gave birth. Since the child was developing normally, she expected a natural birth and was not overly afraid of it. She talked a lot about childbirth and baby care with her mother, who gave birth to three children, and they also bonded a lot with Nikola’s aunt, who became a mother for the third time a few months before Stella. Of course, the time during which they were expecting a daughter was not completely carefree.

Šimen Zupančič

“I always wanted to be a young mother. I think it’s nice if people have children young, just like it was in the old days,” believes Stela.

Stela was thinking about what life would be like with Nikola’s parents, how she would fit into their family, she was thinking about whether they would be able to take care of their family financially, as she does not want others to take care of their child, whether Nikola would get a job that he will like…”I wasn’t worried about the child, because I know how to deal with them, and I have Nikola’s mother by my side, who can help me, as well as his aunt. As for the birth, I only hoped that I wouldn’t have a C-section,” smiled the young mother, while the little one purred contentedly in her arms.

It was easier with Nikola

The birth, she says, was nothing special, nor was it particularly painful. She was a little unsure when to go to the maternity ward, as she had contractions two days before the birth. However, when they got together for five minutes, on August 31, he and Nikola called a taxi to take them to the maternity ward. The father-to-be was always by her side, holding her hand and encouraging her to succeed. »It would certainly be much more difficult for me without him,” she admitted. The birth took place without complications, but there was a complication with the placenta, which had to be surgically removed, so she only got her little daughter when she woke up after the procedure. It seemed so fragile to her that she was shaking all over when she wrapped it for the first time.

But now both new parents are quite skilled and take turns taking care of the baby, which everyone was very happy about.

I wouldn’t trade

She is now a good month old and is a hardworking and undemanding child who only cries when she is hungry. Stela and Nikola are very dedicated to their new role, but we couldn’t help but wonder if they might not want to go out and hang out with their friends. »Before I got pregnant, I socialized a lot, had fun, went to clubs, but since I’ve been with Nikola, I don’t even want to go out anymore. I’ve had enough of all this before. I wouldn’t trade my current life for anything in the world. I am happiest when we are together, when we go for a walk or when I hang out with other moms. I don’t feel like I’m missing anything, and I don’t regret anything at all.” Since the family is mostly alone in the morning, they also cook lunch themselves. Sometimes Nikola prepares something, but mostly Stela. »My mother cooks well, and I learned a lot from her. Sometimes, Nikola tells me what to eat, and I browse through the recipes and cook.” Most of the time, he prepares chicken with side dishes and pasta. »Meat is for Nikola, but I eat more side dishes because I’m a vegetarian

He helps with advice

Since she started posting on Tiktok, and especially after she confided her birth story, many young people turn to her and ask her for advice. »I tell them that they should talk to their partners first, the support of their parents is important, I doubt that we would have succeeded if our parents didn’t stand by us. The most important thing is that a girl is not alone when she gets pregnant. If you decide to have a child, you also need to make a financial plan, become responsible and know what it means to have a child!” Although she’s still a little embarrassed to put herself out there sometimes, she’s increasingly thinking that there are teenage girls out there who might be in trouble, and she can use her experience to help them. Therefore, she will most likely continue with videos about her life.

Read more similar interesting content in the new edition of Jana magazine.

Šimen Zupančič

Nikola is a caring father.

Source: svet24.si