Telegram can now issue more IP addresses

Another important change in the operation of Telegram comes a few weeks after the French authorities arrested the CEO of the social platform, Pavel Durov, accusing the Russian-born billionaire, among other things, of allowing criminals and entire criminal groups to operate unchecked on Telegram. Durov announced that again they have been updated the service’s general terms and conditions and data protection policy, in which the operators make it clear that the IP address and telephone number of users who violate the rules can be disclosed to the relevant authorities in the case of valid legal requests.

Before the update, the relevant paragraph read in fine print that if Telegram receives a court order in connection with a person who is confirmed to be a participant in a terrorist act, it can reveal the IP address and phone number to the relevant authorities – although this has not yet happened in practice. This may change in the future, as the updated policy already leaves more room for similar cases, as it has been modified to allow Telegram to cooperate with the authorities in the case of suspects linked to other types of criminal activity, not only in the case of terrorism.

ProtonMail updated its policy in a similar fashion in 2021 after it handed over a suspect’s IP address and other details to police upon request, leading to the arrest of a French climate activist.

Autumn mix from ghost jobs to harmful bootcamps

This time again, we covered several topics related to IT careers.

Autumn mix from ghost jobs to harmful bootcamps
This time again, we covered several topics related to IT careers.

The platform in early September also broke with the principle of zero moderation, a new function appeared in private chats, with which it is possible to report the given post to the moderators in connection with various abuses (violent content, pornography, violation of copyright and neighboring rights, drug trafficking, etc.).

At the same time, the content of the question-and-answer page informing users was also changed, which previously stated in the section on the appearance of infringing content that it does not process any user indications for moderation in relation to private chats, even if the content is obviously illegal.

At the beginning of September, Durov himself spoke for the first time on the matter on his own Telegram channel, where the company manager described, among other things, that the rapid growth of the platform was taken advantage of by criminals, and therefore the company manager’s personal goal is to significantly improve the operation of Telegram in this area.
