Telegram will cooperate with the police and authorities. It will make available IP addresses and phone numbers

The first major problems of Pavel Durov, the founder of the communication application Telegramoccurred at the end of August this year. The French police arrested him because of allegations that the platform has long been unable to limit the illegal activities that take place on it.

Telegram is said to have also been used for criminal activity

According to the authorities, the application with almost a million monthly active users was not just a regular messenger, but a means for drug trafficking, distribution of child sexual abuse materials and money laundering. Durov he was released from custody after four days, the amount of bail was set at 5 million euros. He paid for it.

Telegram will cooperate with the police and authorities. It will make available IP addresses and phone numbers

Durov, who is from Russia, issued a statement after his arrest that he complies with EU laws and moderates posts within industry standards, saying he is not responsible for some users abusing the platform for criminal activity. After a few days, he apparently reconsidered his opinion. The result is the updated terms and conditions and personal data protection principles of the Telegram application, which should already be in accordance with the applicable legislation, the website reported sme.skreferring to the DPA and AFP agencies.

It means that it will cooperate with the police and in the case of violations of the terms and conditions by users, provide the authorities with information about their IP address and phone number. Durov reported on his official account that Telegram search was misused by some people to sell illegal goods.

“While 99.999 percent of Telegram users have nothing to do with criminal activity, the 0.001 percent of users involved in illegal activities creates a bad image for the entire platform and threatens the interests of nearly a billion users,”

wrote Durov.

The problematic content is said to have already been removed

Telegram employees were tasked with using an artificial intelligence tool to find a delete contentwhich was identified as problematic.

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Although Durov was released from custody, he has prohibition to leave France and he must report to the police station twice a week. His arrest did not harm the popularity of Telegram, rather the opposite. At that time, the application saw an increase in downloads and reached the 2nd place in the social network category in the US. It is not yet possible to say how the tightening of conditions will affect her popularity.

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