Tension in the UN Security Council! Russia’s ‘Gaza’ response to US accusation

The UN Security Council held a meeting titled “Ensuring peace and security in Ukraine”.

Speaking at the meeting, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that Russia’s “starting a war” in Ukraine was against the UN Charter and the principles of international peace and security, and suggested that this was an example that should enter textbooks.

Blinken also criticized the governments of Iran, North Korea and China for providing military aid and technological support to Russia in Ukraine, arguing that this support affects peace and security not only in Europe but also in the Indo-Pacific and Middle East regions.

Blinken also claimed that the military aid provided by the US to Ukraine was different from the military aid provided by the three countries in question to Russia, and shared the following statements: “There is a deep difference between the two; Russia is the aggressor, Ukraine is the victim. Russia is fighting for conquest, Ukraine is fighting for survival.”


Russia’s Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia, in response to the US, reminded the US of Israel’s ongoing attacks on Gaza. Recalling that UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres stated that the situation in Gaza was “unprecedented”, Nebenzia drew attention to the fact that 42,000 people were killed in Gaza.

Noting that nearly 300 aid workers were killed in Gaza, Nebenzia pointed out that lands where 2 million people lived were destroyed.

Nebenzia stated that despite this situation, the UN Security Council could not provide a ceasefire and that this was because the US used its veto power five times.

Nebenzia said the UNSC should hold a high-level session to discuss the situation in Gaza instead of Ukraine.

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Source: www.star.com.tr