Terelu Campos reads the message she sent to Paola Olmedo when her audios were leaked

Los audios by Paola Olmedo criticizing at Campos It was the trigger for everything. It happened a few days before the wedding between her and José María Almoguerawhich dynamited the family relationship and start one distancing between Carmen Borrego and his son. Now, Terelu Campos, taking advantage of the interview of his nephew in ‘Friday!’, decide to read the message that he sent to Paola when those statements of his came to light.

Paola Olmedo, on the audios in which she criticized the Campos family: “They were taken completely out of context”

Terelu Campos’ message to Paola Olmedo

Paola Olmedo has gone so far as to say that those audios criticizing her partner’s family are “taken out of context.” This was revealed in an interview with the program ‘TardeAR’, where he has not hesitated when it comes to criticizing Carmen Borrego. Terelu now decides to bring to light the message that she sent to Paola at the time. To do this, we must say, first of all, that Paola wrote to him to apologize from what was heard in those controversial audios: “She is overwhelmed because she knows that she has committed something reckless and she does not want to cause any harm,” says Terelu.

Without giving more details of what Paola wrote to him, Terelu proceeds to read what she responded to that message: “Frankly, I don’t know what to answer you. I thank God every day for not being a resentful person. I don’t know if It is little, a lot or not at all decontextualized, but the words are there. I am very sorry that you think that I am snotty and that, even if the monkey dresses in silk, she remains cute. I, and my image, are just concerned. less I’m alive, which is what it was about, and fighting my illness today.

Terelu Campos

Terelu Campostelecinco.es

“As you are a mother, I imagine you understand that what hurts me the most are the disqualifications you have towards my daughter, without knowing her, on the other hand. I am proud of her and of the great education that our mother has given us. On the other hand It hurts me and I think your words towards my sister are very unfair. Especially because she doesn’t deserve them, nor does she deserve them from you without you knowing, I know how happy she is that you will come into her son’s life and the rest of her life. family was too. We have seen José very happy with you and that is, for me, the most important thing, as you can understand,” his message continues.

“My sister goes out of her way for you and you know that what I say is like that. I am very sorry for the pain that this may cause my nephew. Don’t worry about me. Or about Alejandra. We would never cause you any harm or public nor, of course, in private. I hope this serves a good purpose, that you can change that bad opinion you have of us and that you protect yourself because belonging to a public family is more complicated than, unfortunately, we would like. You can stay. Don’t worry because I have no resentment. I only care about the happiness of my nephew and yours and now you are living a very special moment that I am not going to contribute to tarnishing,” he concludes the message.

After this, Terelu says that Paola answered him and reveals more messages that were exchanged during that conversation via WhatsApp. For his part, José María confesses that Paola felt relieved by the response she received from Terelu. Furthermore, apparently, Paola did not write to Carmen Borrego, something that might surprise some, but not Terelu, because she says that Carmen told Paola that “that’s it” and that she understood that she wanted to let it be or move on. to what happened.

This has been the reunion between Terelu Campos and her nephew, José María Almoguera

This very night there was reunion between aunt and nephew on the set of ‘Friday!’. Terelu greeted José María after his cold entrance on set and recommended that he tell his truth from freedom. She has been paying attention to much of the interview and then shared the set with her nephew and asked him some questions.

The long-awaited reunion between Terelu Campos and her nephew, José María Almoguera: this has been their face to face

The long-awaited reunion between Terelu Campos and her nephew, José María Almoguera: this has been their face to face

Source: www.telecinco.es