Testimony of Alleged Murder Client: ‘Manipulator, Liar, Gambler and Womanizer’

At the continuation of the trial of Kristijan Slodnjak for aiding in the murder of Kidričan Andrej Kirbiš, a policeman from whom the defense had high hopes also testified, but the uniformed officer did not denigrate the deceased.

At the continuation of the trial of the 40-year-old Kristijan Slodnjakaccused of assisting in the murder of a man two years older than Kidričan Andrej Kirbišwho was shot on February 17, 2022 by an unknown perpetrator on a dirt road in the town of Mostje in the Juršinci municipality, last week the Ptuj District Court invited the entrepreneur to testify Bojan Polancathe owner of the company Vizium, who was involved in insurance representation for 15 years in the past, and the accused worked for him.

Number one among cheaters

Let’s remember. The prosecution accuses Slodnjak of having assisted in the murder of Kirbiš by luring Kidričan to a secluded place under the pretext that he would return the installment or interest on the considerable amount of money he had borrowed from him. The prosecution is therefore convinced that the motive for the murder was Slodnjak’s indebtedness. Polanec was unable to tell the court anything about the accusations against Slodnjak, nor about the debt to Kirbiš, since he did not know the deceased, but he was interviewed about the defendant’s character. “Manipulator, liar, addicted to gambling and women,” described Slodnjak and added that he was not surprised by what he had read in the media about the defendant’s indebtedness. “When he worked for our company and earned five, ten thousand euros in commission, I told him that he can earn twenty thousand, but he will have none of it, because he will spend it all on gambling and women. I was his boss, who knows him better than me? Not even my parents, because he manipulated them, just like he did with me in the beginning.” said Polanec about the accused, and about his modus operandi in the insurance industry, he revealed what others also testified at the trial.

“He kept the money from the insurance contracts for too long. For example, if he concluded an annual premium for car insurance with someone, he collected 2,400 euros from the client and wrote that she paid in installments. He transferred the first installment, 200 euros, and put the rest in his pocket. He was known for such work,” explained Polanec, who broke up with Slodnjak eleven years ago. “Behind my back, he convinced the agents to go with him, which was not a problem. The problem was that they took out insurance all over the place with the intention of getting the customers to sign that they would collect two installments, but basically they already knew in advance that all the policies would be canceled soon. In this way, these fakes created a debt of 350,000 euros for my company, which is fraud,” presented another reason why he considers Slodnjak to be number one among fraudsters.

The defendant’s defense hoped for much more from the police officer’s testimony Dark Herzog and for a moment she expected him to defame the deceased, which did not happen. Hercog is a police officer who, three weeks before the murder, reported to his superior that Kidričan had threatened him. On the twenty-fourth of January 2022, he stopped him in traffic and found that he was driving under the influence of alcohol. Angry that he had been fined and convinced that the police were “on the hook” for traffic violations, Kirbiš allegedly told the uniformed officer that he would deal with him and his family. The policeman recognized what was said as a threat, and Kirbiš was subjected to a house search.

Vesna Lovrec

The murder took place in Mostje on February 17, 2022.

Criminal investigators looked for a weapon on him, but did not find it. They found a hobok, in which there were 840 grams of dried cannabis particles, but according to the testimony of criminalists, in the subsequent examination (after the murder) of all the operational combinations they led for drug trafficking, they found no evidence that Kirbiš was involved in some criminal organization. Slodnjak’s defense is not satisfied with the findings of the investigators. Every time he gets the chance, he repeats his thesis at the trial that Kirbiš was murdered because of his involvement in the drug business, and not because of Slodnjak’s indebtedness to him, which the prosecution accuses the defendant of ordering the murder in order to get rid of his indebtedness to the neck. The indictment accuses Slodnjak of having assisted in the murder by luring Kidričan to a secluded place under the pretext that he would return the installment or interest on the considerable amount of money he had borrowed from him.

The policeman was asked about his alibi

Advocate for the accused, lawyer Andrej Kacproposed Hercog as a witness in the proceedings with the intention of asking him whether the search of Kidričan’s house was the result of his report. “I don’t know, she probably played a role,” Hercog replied to the lawyer. The next question was whether he knew what the detectives found during the house search. “I don’t know the details, I think there was some marijuana,” testified the police officer. “Did you see that a bucket of marijuana was found?” Kac was counting on confirmation from the policeman, but he didn’t get it. “No, a bowl or two of pickles,” Hercog told the lawyer. Dissatisfied with the answer, the lawyer checked with the witness whether he was aware that Kirbiš possessed a weapon. “No,” replied Hercog, so Kac refreshed his memory. “17. In March 2022 (a month after the murder), you said during the interrogation by the police that you heard that the tenant of the bar said that Kirbiš was bragging about having a weapon and that she was afraid of him?” “If that’s what it says (in the official police report, op. p.), I said so. I don’t know anything else about Kirbish and the weapon,” testified Hercog, who himself was among the interrogators a month after the murder, as he had to answer the question of where he was at the time of Kirbish’s murder. “I said even then that I didn’t remember, even today I don’t know,” Hercog emphasized last Wednesday in front of the senate of the Ptuj District Court, presided over by a judge Nika Brumen.

“I was stupid and naive”

Slodnjak’s former colleague also took the witness stand on Wednesday Matjaž Medvedwho knows a lot about his indebtedness or the debts of the defendant’s company Slofin. “He owed insurance companies, he also owes me, about 30,000 euros of unpaid commissions are still outstanding between us. I was naive, stupid, that I suffered these non-payments for so long and persisted with him for so long, until Slofin went bankrupt.” Medved testified. Medved did not register as a creditor in the bankruptcy proceedings, during his testimony he emphasized that he still values ​​Slodnjak and that he does not believe that he was involved in the murder of Kirbiš. “He was not corrupt to work for his own pocket. He didn’t care for anything himself, he preferred to give wages to others. He was honest, I can say that, regardless of the fact that he owes me,” Medved testified. When asked if he spoke to Slodnjak about the allegations against him after the murder, he nodded. “I witnessed the house search, so of course I was interested in things. He assured me that he had nothing to do with it, I believed him and I still think that he is not capable of doing this.” Medved testified and recalled that he did not notice any change in Slodnjak’s behavior after the murder, and also “he wasn’t nervous at all during the house search, he even made coffee for the criminals”.

Source: svet24.si