The 10-Minute Routine for Better Posture – Beauty & Wellness

Because pandemic of the new coronavirus, many people are found working remotely. Involuntarily, when we are sitting for many hours and in a chair less comfortablewe tend to put our shoulders and head towards the foreheador even of cross the legs. Without realizing it, these little movements can cause spinal injuries longo term. However, there are ways to avoid these deviations, at home and in a short time.

According to one study published not Journal of Physical Therapy Science individuals with posture tiltedtend to have the muscles and joints in the front of the neck more weak and the muscles of the upper back and shoulders more tense. Plus the stretching of the sternocleidomastoid and scalene muscles impede the forward tilt of the head. Consequently, this type of posture can cause the rounding of the shoulders or the development of a herniated discdue to the extra effort that is made. These changes are indications for the famous “tilted head syndrome”, the tilt of the head to the forehead which causes the line to break vertical of the column.

The kinesiology specialist, Jeremy Ethierwhich analyzes human movements, explains on its channel YouTube that it is important to correct posture, not only because we are taking care of our health, but also to to improve self-esteem. Ethier created a routine of four exercises, to be done at the gym or at home.

The segment includes sternocleidomastoid stretches, stretching of the anterior scalenes, movements to clear the suboccipital triangle and yet exercises dedicated to chin folds. Each exercise has the duration between 30 to 60 seconds or 10 deep breaths. In the case of the exercise of chin foldsit lasts 12 to 15 minutes. However, you can follow the entire process in detail in a video made by Jeremy Ethier.

By what is routine have some effect, the kinesiology specialist advises that the exercises are performed two to three times a week. And so, consequences like pains on the back or injuries but serious they can be avoided.

Watch the video here:
