The 2024 autumn session of the Parliament begins, but the important issues will not be decided here for a long time

The autumn session of the parliament begins with a two-day session on Monday, the state news agency reported on the program announced by the office of the Parliament. At the meeting starting at 1:00 p.m., memorials are expected first for the recently deceased former members of parliament, László Donáth (MSZP), Mihály Kupa (MDF, independent), Kálmán Vincze (FKGP, EKgP) and Ferenc Árpád Bodzás (MSZP).

September 30 is Local Government Day, and the Parliament commemorates this as well – reads the trailer, which does not include the fact that on Local Government Day, the local governments have nothing to celebrate, after their opportunities have been continuously reduced and their rights have been curtailed in the past 14 years.

According to the information, there will be pre-agenda speeches, and Ukrainian nationality advocate Liliána Grexa will also speak. Although it is also not written, the Russian aggression, the war launched by Russia against Ukraine more than two and a half years ago, may be the focus of the speech. It is almost certain that the scandalous statement of Balázs Orbán, the prime minister’s political director, about Ukraine and 1956 will be discussed in this regard.

They are already measuring the impact of Balázs Orbán’s statements about 1956 and the Russian-Ukrainian war

In the future, the parliament can confirm the mandate of Balázs Hidvéghi (Fidesz), who also takes an oath. He replaces Balázs Győrffy, a former member of the European Parliament. Although Balázs Győrffy was elected as an EP representative on June 9, he had to leave due to his scandalous case of beating a woman. These include, in addition to several air transport agreements, the agreement on the connection of the M80 expressway and the Austrian S7 Fürstenfeld expressway at the Hungarian-Austrian state border.

Almost everyone blamed the Hungarian EU presidency for not supporting Ukraine in its program.
