The 3 mistakes not to make when it’s cold according to Dr Jimmy Mohamed

Temperatures are falling and it will be cold all week: a weather report that should delight you since numerous studies have shown that the cold is particularly beneficial for our health. The cold helps us sleep better, helps us fight the winter blues and sends feel-good hormones soaring.

In short, just because it’s cold doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go outside, quite the contrary. But to get through this cold period well, there are certain precautions to take, as recalled Dr. Jimmy Mohamed on his social networks.

Mistake 1: we don’t necessarily think about drinking

The first mistake to avoid is not drinking enough. The cold alters our perception of thirst, and we don’t necessarily think about drinking outside of meals. However, “it’s not because it’s cold that you shouldn’t hydrate” insists the doctor. “The cold air that we breathe can be painful for the bronchi. We must therefore warm it up, and the only way to do this is to moisten it by hydrating ourselves.”

Mistake 2: we eat too much fat

The second mistake is to eat a little too much fat, believing that this helps our body stay warm. “This is true if you work outside, but if you have a normal activity, if you simply walk in the street while being well covered and well equipped against the cold, you are not going to burn more calories” insists Dr. Jimmy Mohamed.

Eat more to please yourself, why not but, “you will gain fat and you will gain weight” predicts the doctor. Come on, to help you, we’ll give you advice on how to lighten up your winter dishes.

Mistake 3: we don’t think about protecting our heads

When it’s cold, it’s essential to protect your extremities. But while we think about putting on warm socks and gloves, we often forget to cover our heads. However, wearing a hat when it is cold is also an essential action to prevent heat loss. “Especially if you are bald because we lose heat much more quickly through the skull” advises the doctor.
