the actor’s revelation at Ciao Maschio by Nunzia Di Girolamo

Raoul Bova was the first guest of the new season of Hello Malethe Rai show hosted by Nunzia De Girolamo. During the long interview, the actor talked about his past, his family and his loves. And he didn’t spare a jab at another presenter: Francesca Fagnaniwhich had him as the protagonist of Beasts.

Raoul Bova tells his story to Hello Male

In the September 21st episode of Hello Maleinterviewed by Nunzia De GirolamoRaoul Bova showed his most intimate and fragile side.

He spoke of difficult moments, “in which you are out of breath and you are also close to some not very nice thoughts”, overcome thanks to his children, “who were fundamental and my salvation”.

Photo source: IPA

Corrado Tedeschi, Mago Paris, Nunzia De Girolamo and Raoul Bova at Ciao Maschio

The actor is referring to Alessandro Leon and Francesco, whom he had with his ex-wife Clear Jordan and Luna and Alma, born from the relationship with the partner Rocio Munoz Morales.

And speaking about his previous romantic relationships, Bova said that the problems arose because “those who were with me didn’t appreciate the fact that I was still a son, they wanted to see the man, the male”.

The dig at Francesca Fagnani after Beasts

“I felt shy with a person who wanted to create at all costs sensationalism”: this is how Bova commented on his participation in Beastseven without explicitly citing the program.

The actor added that the presenter, and it is easy to think of Francesca Fagnani “he brought out the less empathetic side of the situation. In short… just like the Beasts do.”

Raoul Bova was a guest of Beasts last October 3rd, in one of the least lively episodes of the season (while others, like the one with Fedez as a guest, are still being talked about).

The actor noticed the lack of complicity already during the same episode, when he told Fagnani: “I see she’s bored”. Later, the journalist defined Bova as “the most boring guest. It’s not polite to say it, but if someone doesn’t want to talk it becomes boring.”

Grief over the death of parents

Among the most difficult moments confided by Raoul Bova was the loss of his parents, Joseph and Rosewho disappeared within a short time of each other between 2018 and 2019.

The actor was very close to his family: “I had a strong male education from my father but also a female one thanks to my mother and my sister. We slept three in a room.”

“My parents died a year after the other and a series of bad things happened. The pain of their death was strong. I became a father but I was still a son, and this still gave me security. The transition to no longer being a son is a strong mourning, it is a great responsibility”.


Photo source: IPA
