The balance of everything around us is necessary

It says: Solutionabout Kuprešak, managing partner for Bliski east,

ExGroup act

Ratko Kuprešak (Photo: Milo Sladaković)

One of the definitions of equilibrium is that it is a feeling of psychological as well as physical balance within living beings. It can also refer to a personal situation, then also to social systems, economic situation, ethics in business, etc.

We can simply experience equilibrium as the balance of everythingand the eye of us.

Equilibrium is everythingthat around us

Everything in life happens for a reason and as a consequence of an earlier action or inaction. A householder (peasant) who plows and sows a field well expects a good harvest. And what does he hope for who is not possessedoh nothing?

In most cases, the human mind measures the result of its investments in a material way, and very often we forget other aspects of our actions. Simply, we are losing patience to see that shI have a picture.

To explain how things move in a balanced environment, I will take one of the current topics, for example, influencers. In the initial phase of the explosion of the digital industry, influencer marketing promised massive access to a targeted audience. That’s what happened. However, as the industry developed, cracks appeared… A significant number of influencers with large followings failed to provide more active engagement with a wider audience or to provide the expected conversion. The traditional influencer way of working has definitely started to lose its influence in the digital environment. There is information that even 80 percent of classic influencers do not have the power to influence the wider worldin the audience.

There are many comments highlighting this phenomenon (I can call it a phenomenon), which is why brands are turning to creators with an authentic audience, who, in fact, possess the knowledge. Just so that we don’t think that these comments are directed against influencers – on the contrary, they did their part to present certain content to a larger number of people. What was missing was a deeper obclarification.

Where are we?what does it lead to?

True the leader and experts are drastically different from classic influencers. Perhaps I could say that they are the next level in consumer/user communication. They have knowledge, expertise in their fields and are able to offer deeper analyzes and suggestions, that is, to give guidelines. On the other hand, consumers are no longer satisfied with only attractive content, but are increasingly looking for details, authenticity and authority. This is exactly what sets the true experts apart, given that they are able to deliver on these requirements. One of the examples is that the professional network Linkedin increasingly insists on involving experts in giving comments, explanations, suggestion…

This change is part of an attempt to achieve a balance between supply and demand – in this case, the expectations of the audience/consumers, on the one hand, as demand, and those who offer products and/or services, in our case – classic influencers. There is an obvious need for “supplementary” information that you get through various posts on social networks, whether they are fun (Instagram, etc.) or professional (Linkedin, etc.). Something is still missing, perhaps the cooperation of classic influencers and experts from iindustry

What is that, stop itso what?

This emerging business environment, in fact, represents a great opportunity for all experts, experts in their fields, to expand their influence, to exchange opinions and to establish themselves as authentic creators. In a way, to complement the work of the influencers, who, without question, did a great job at the gatheringin the audience.

After all, that was the main reason why I changed direction myself of his work after years spent in the FMCG industry. Thanks to personal progress in three dimensions (different industries, different locations, different positions and responsibilities), I realized that there is a gap in transferring experiences and knowledge in a much faster way than working in one company and cooperating with one (own) team. This is mainly the reason why I decided to turn to consulting work, because in this way, on the one hand, I got a huge space to leave my mark, and on the other hand, to continue the learning process with each new one project.

That the time of change has come, and Licbut I experienced it after several posts of my experiences and opinions on Linkedin. I got it how important it is for someone who knows a certain topic to come forward and express his opinion. The posts caused far more activity with a desire to contact than is usual on the profile. But it kind of is everything else within the industry – people with the same interests or needs; it did not dissipate, but the discussion remained within the framework of those who are directly or indirectly related to the topic. They wanted to hear previous experiences and that from that something nthey learn this.

What is also changing is that the audience increasingly wants an opinion or proposal, that is, it is no longer enough to talk in a general context – it is necessary to be specific, to show your opinion and attitude, without the desire to cover “as many observers as possible”. This is exactly what distinguishes experts in certain fields, Frd others.

Another reason why the audience is more looking for experts is that they can usually get more details and greater depth in communication that way, while classic influencer materials mostly dealt with attractive content in order to attract the attention of a large number of observers. Just ask yourself how many “reels” you have watched yourself, without any conversion after that, even though you found the video itself very entertaining. All this is part of a cosmic balance which we belong

Let’s go back to that sentence from the beginning of the text about the farmer who hopes for a harvest only if he sows well. Well, it is one of the biggest determinants of the balance we are talking about or – as we have already called it – equilibrium. I experienced this in a unique way, working in a renowned company, a market leader. I had the opportunity to be a project leader with a very respectable global consulting company Route-To-Market. During the initial setup, there was a lot of disagreement in thinking about the project, to the extent that we didn’t really have a likely situation that the project would succeed. The biggest problem was that I, as the project leader, wanted absolutely every detail to be in ideal status. Maybe a too domestic relationship, but certainly the right path without any unexplained details or ambiguity that can create a problem for us inmy work.

As time went on, we became more and more clear to each other and the project started on a great path. Confirmation of the success of the project came later: in the next five years, the company tripled its income and net result, and today, after 20 years, it is in a leading position. Well, that was a real seed planted for boolonger days.

Ten years later, it was time to reap the rewards. The above-mentioned world-renowned consulting company did a similar project in the Middle East for a world-renowned brand. After the prepared recommendations, it was necessary to enter the implementation phase and, as a winning combination for the success of the project, they suggested that the company hire a person with experience in that part, i.e. me. Thus, the sowing of ten years ago began to have its harvest, a professional attitude towards work, an attitude towards the results of work, and above all the satisfaction of yourself with something you did – started to give benefits. I even think that the crop was bigger than the sowing itself. Here, in fact, the balance interfered once again and temporarily separated me from my family so that part of the investment, on my part, and the benefit, on the other hand, would also beequalized.

All in all, balance is all around us. There is a saying that wisdom is the new currency. In today’s digital world, those who can support their claims with certain expertise will prosper. Consumers are increasingly looking for sources they can trust, because there is definitely a cultural shift towards knowledge and experience, as opposed topulism.
