the bank manager radiates optimism and the investor Toomas takes a look at the worst investment

The radio hits of the week analyzed the state of the Estonian economy, looked at both good and bad investment ideas and talked about bank profits, the home loan market, as well as the Chinese automobile industry.

  • Madis Toomsalu said this week in the morning of Äripää radio that he believes that in a few years Estonia will be one of the fastest growing economies in Europe. Photo: Raul Mee

Hits of the week:

Chairman of the board of LHV: in a few years we will be one of the fastest growing economies in Europe

LHV board chairman Madis Toomsalu believes in Estonia’s economic growth and sees the future in very bright colors.

According to Toomsalu, Estonia is already out of recession or is about to come out. The chairman of the board also thinks that our economy will not remain static, but will move up more and more. “Forecasting is a very thankless job, but I dare to suggest that in a couple of three years we will be one of the fastest growing economies in Europe,” said Toomsalu. Interviewed by Juhan Lang.

Chairman of the board of LHV: in a few years we will be one of the fastest growing economies in Europe

The expert and trader ranked the investment ideas with the best potential

Both LHV, Tallink and Harju Elekter underwent a comprehensive analysis. “For me, LHV is no man’s land. Technically, I don’t watch it. Rather, it’s the world of fundamentalists,” said Veek.

There are many experts who have recommended buying gold lately. Veek also told what he thinks about gold. Interviewed by Juhan Lang.

The expert and trader ranked the investment ideas with the best potential

Margus Rink: Lower interest rates fuel the fight for loan customers

We assessed the impact of the European Central Bank’s interest rate cut on the local banking sector and the wider Estonian economy and discussed how fast a healthy rate cut rate could be.

In addition, in the light of Coop Pank’s nine-month results published on Friday, we investigated the state of Coop Pank, how the fulfillment of goals is progressing, and why Coop Pank’s share price still has not shown the growth desired by investors.

Margus Rink, chairman of the board of Coop Pank, is sitting in the hot seat, Jana Saarkoppel is hosting the show.

Margus Rink: Lower interest rates fuel the fight for loan customers

Startup experts defend the worst investment of investor Toomas’ life

Investor Toomas tried seed investing years ago, but has almost completely lost the money invested there. Bikeep’s founder Kristjan Lind and Ampler’s lead investor Madis Müür reported on the companies’ activities in the program “Investor Toomas tund”.

In addition to Bikeep and Ampler’s insight, the show also covered seed investing in general and the state of Funderbeam itself. The show is hosted by Jaan Martin Raik.

Startup experts defend the worst investment of investor Toomas’ life

Journalists’ first meeting with a Chinese car: the smell made the eyes wet

Currently, Chinese cars are causing great concern to both Europe and the USA, but the first results shown to Estonians were also amusing.

Tõnu Ojala, editor-in-chief of Tehnikamaailm magazine, and car journalist Kristjan Sooper talk about their first experiences with the Chinese SUV Landwind. To date, however, the Chinese automobile industry has made tremendous progress. Electric cars from this country are bought in both Europe and the USA in such large numbers that steps have been taken on both sides to prevent a flood of Chinese cars. In addition, security threats and ethical issues are related to them.

But how did China achieve a breakthrough in the automotive industry with the so-called electric revolution? Are new Chinese cars still up to the level of those produced in Europe? And what does the future promise to bring? All this is discussed in “Autojuttu”. In addition, this year’s finalists for the selection of the Estonian car of the year will be discussed. The show is hosted by Karl-Eduard Salumäe.

Journalists’ first meeting with a Chinese car: the smell made the eyes wet

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