The Battle of Union Square

It is not about the Battle of Călugăreni, nor the one at the High Bridge. The battle at Unirii Square was fought without horse or armored soldiers, without bows, cannons and swords, but with bulldozers, communiqués, local police, televisions and sympathizers. They came out injured, they pretended to be real. In the hysteria caused on the hypothetical construction site, Rescuers were called for the wounded in the battle, despite the fact that in the live broadcasts no melees or between machines could be seen. However, they turned out to be injured for real or feigned. No one knows whether it is accidents, injury or feigning. As a character marked by a yellow vest gave himself up for dead, we can assume anything, especially since he stopped moving. He died or suffered terribly.

The Battle of Unirii Bridge (expertized floor to be in a known state of degradation) is several months old. A PSD mayor (the most worthy of the ones Dragnea-Dăncilă and Ciolacu’s party had in Bucharest) was accused in one way and another after various incidents that happened in Pasaj Unirii, despite the fact that he was not at fault. The modernization of the road crossing was not enough. He also organized conferences and press visits in the underground of the Union Square to present the deplorable state of the floor that later became the site of the battle. At one point, Mayor Băluță’s troops retreated and left the swampy ground only below, especially in the political battle. Then, unexpectedly, the troops from Sector 4 returned with a construction permit issued from Sector 3 by another PSD leader, Robert Negoiță.

The local police from the 4th sector confronted the general mayor just like the janissaries on the aga of Bucharest. Let him cut it. Antena 3 TV also mobilized verbal combatants on the small screen to defend the initiative of the party with which it fraternized and which proposed its representatives on the lists.

On the day of the prayer service for St. Parascheva, when in Iași there was a big political parade more like a Union Day, another local battle took place in the Union Square. A kind of electoral battle to win over the voters. Who is more “model citizen”? Nicusor Dan or Daniel Baluta? Mayor Nicușor Dan issued another decision to evacuate the construction site, citing the lack of any construction permit. Someone from a show on Realitatea Tv shouts at the Mayor of the Capital:

-“I piss on his decision!” (Visan gel)

Clotilde Armand is also encouraged to go to war. He sees the situation as at Waterloo. An outraged female citizen also came forward. Independence. Apolitical and brave. She fights too. The Capital Police betrayed. The local police District 4 is fighting and fighting. And the televisions are on the barricades and fighting with their mouths.

Hits and other violence are invoked after Nicușor Dan’s decision. Arguments are thrown upon arguments. Rats are hiding under the floor which can be dangerous, says a television operator.

He knows that rats are everywhere and that the fight in Union Square continues in the election.

– A diversion is being prepared, says alarmed Radu Tudor, the man of all kinds of alarms.

And the fight between PSD and PNL continues until new arrests!
