The benefits of fresh ginger, candied ginger and powder

Ginger is very popular and sought after for its aphrodisiac effects. If it is indeed used as a sexual stimulant, it is also an interesting root food in more than one way.

Written by KathyOct 7, 2024, at 1:35 p.m.

The benefits of ginger are numerous and both fresh ginger and candied ginger have their benefits. THE ginger is one of the most used spices both in gastronomy and in traditional Chinese medicine. It is appreciated for its spicy flavor and as natural remedy. Ginger indeed has virtues to cure many ailments.

Discover the benefits of ginger for your health

The root, or rather the rhizome of ginger, is an excellent natural remedy for digestion problems. Consumption of ginger helps stimulate the production of bile in order to aid in the digestion of food.

Its wealth in manganese also allows us to better synthesize carbohydrates and lipids, which has an effect on the accumulation of fats in the body. Ginger would therefore have an interesting fat-burning effect for overweight people.

A root that works miracles: the benefits of ginger particularly concern digestion. © Shebeko

For this, it is recommended to consume a ginger drink (ginger tea, ginger juice) with little or no sugar before each meal, in order to facilitate digestion and fat absorption.

Ginger, an ally against nausea and vomiting

The World Health Organization has recognized the effectiveness of ginger root in cases of nausea and vomiting, whether motion sickness, nausea due to pregnancy or post-operative nausea. These are the active compounds contained in ginger, gingerols and shoagols, which play a role in stomach movements and therefore prevent vomiting. For this, it is advisable to consume ginger in the form of an infusionseveral times a day, dry or fresh rhizome.

For the pregnant womensome studies have noted the absence of undesirable side effects of ginger consumption in the mother-to-be and the fetus. However, it is advisable to ask your doctor before consuming ginger in excessive quantities.

Also read: Ginger water and cucumber water with lemon, a fresh recipe

The anti-inflammatory and energizing properties of ginger

Ginger is traditionally used to fight inflammation in the body. It is consumed in case of fevercold or cold, as it is known for “ warm up » the organism.

benefits of ginger, fresh ginger, candied ginger

In particular, ginger can be preserved by reducing it to powder © mama_mia

Ses anti-inflammatory properties can also have a role in weight loss and reduction in waist size which are sometimes due to inflammation of the digestive system.

It is also a excellent tonic for the body in case of fatigue. This is also where his aphrodisiac virtues : even if no scientific study proves it, ginger is renowned improve libidobecause it acts as an anti-fatigue agent and improves circulation… of all organs!

Ginger, a traditional spice with recognized virtues

We know that ginger has been used for at least 5 millennia, both in traditional Chinese medicinebut also in Indian Ayurvedic medicine.

The use of the plant is recognized traditionally, but also by health authorities such as the WHO and the European Scientific Commission on Phytotherapy which recognizes the effectiveness of ginger In ” preventing nausea and vomiting due to motion sickness, or following minor surgical procedures ».

benefits of ginger, fresh ginger, candied ginger

ginger shoots © bunnyphoto

Its traditional use concerns the fact of treat inflammationcooling and as anti-fatigue. Its virtues are also studied in fight against cancer.

The benefits of ginger: source of minerals and vitamins

Ginger is particularly rich in manganeseuseful for synthesizing carbohydrates and lipids, and in potassiumwhich plays a role in blood circulation and against hypertension.

This root is also rich in B group vitamins, especially vitamins B3 and B6. The rhizome of fresh ginger is a good source of vitamin C. This property disappears once dried, hence the advantage of preferably consuming it fresh.

Ginger also contains a lot of trace elements, such as copper and magnesium. It also has calcium and iron in moderate amounts.

Consume ginger daily for health

Consume ginger daily is therefore good for your health, especially if combined with other spices such as turmeric or cinnamon.

How to consume ginger?

The ideal is to consume 2 to 5 grams of ginger 2 to 3 times a day. The advantage is that it can both be consumed in cooking, but also in the form of an infusion. It is also found in the form of food supplement (capsules or capsules).


The fresh ginger has more vitamins and minerals than powdered ginger, but you will have to consume more of it: the ideal is therefore to alternate fresh and dry ginger. There is also ginger essential oil, to be used following the precautions for using an essential oil.

Ginger: does it have any side effects or contraindications?

You can consume ginger every day without suffering fromside effects. However, excessive consumption can lead to mild diarrhea or heartburn. If you have fragile intestines, do not overdo it with ginger consumption. As is often the case, it is more a question of dosage and sensitivity of the digestive system.

benefits of ginger, fresh ginger, candied ginger, tofu ginger

Ginger can be integrated into the kitchen in many ways © YuliiaHolovchenko

It is also not recommended to administer ginger in high doses in children under six years old. On the other hand, it can be included in cooking in small doses if children like its spicy taste.

THE anti-coagulant properties of ginger may interact with certain medications or other foods that tend to thin the blood. Ask your doctor for advice if you are taking treatment related to blood circulation.

Article updated

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