The best offers for home mobile internet within T-Mobile coverage

It’s time for the last list in our series of offers for mobile internet at home. We have mobile internet within the reach of the T-Mobile network.

In this series, we decided to divide the offers into the ranges of individual operators, because this is the most important parameter when choosing an offer for mobile Internet for home, i.e. the best possible range, specifically in our location.

Some of you will say that in the case of Orange and T-Mobile we are talking about similar coverage almost everywhere, because both operators use the vast majority of common transmitters as part of the Networks company. However, the offers differ here, T-Mobile has no data limits in most subscription tariffs, but with a limited transfer speed – so it is worth looking at them separately.

If you are looking for offers within the range of Orange, Play or Plus, please read the previous parts of the series:

We now move on to the offers available under T-Mobile.

The best offers within T-Mobile coverage

Pre-paid mobile internet offer in Heyah

We start with the T-Mobile sub-brand, i.e. the pre-paid internet offer in Heyah, where a package of 200 GB of data transfer per month is available for PLN 35 per month.

Generally, it is the cheapest 200 GB of all offers in this series, excluding nju mobile, where for PLN 29 there is 100 GB to start with, but after half a year of experience we have 200 GB.

Mobile internet offer in Heyah subscription

The Heyah 01 subscription is much cheaper, but with a much smaller limit.

For a limit of 50 GB of data transfer per month, we will pay only PLN 19.99.

Mobile internet offer in T-Mobile subscription

T-Mobile – subscription for 2 years, including three mobile internet packages. With a data transfer limit of 60 GB, it costs PLN 30 per month, and with a 40 GB limit – PLN 20 per month.

However, due to the age-old promotion when purchasing online, it is most profitable to buy a 100 GB package for PLN 20 per month.

Mobile internet offer with no data limit in T-Mobile subscription

Finally, the mobile internet packages mentioned at the beginning without data limits, but with speed limits.

We can choose from a mobile internet subscription limited to 30 Mb/s for PLN 65 per month, limited to 60 Mb/s for PLN 75 per month (promotion for online purchase – PLN 65), limited to 90 Mb/s for PLN 95 per month and limited to 300 Mb/s for PLN 115 per month.

What if we want to use T-Mobile’s mobile internet without data and speed limits? This one is only available in the offer in locations outside cities – with weaker coverage, with a router and external antenna included (lease for PLN 0). The cost is PLN 155 per month.

In the case of a T-Mobile subscription, remember that after the end of the 2-year contract, the monthly cost increases by PLN 10, in each subsequent year in the case of an indefinite-term contract.
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