The best offers for mobile internet at home within Plus coverage

If the Plus operator has the best coverage in your location, I invite you to the third part of our series of compilations with offers for mobile Internet at home.

As in previous entries, to explain the division of this cycle into the ranges of individual operators – this is the most important parameter when choosing an offer for mobile Internet for home, i.e. the best possible range, specifically in our location.

There will be no division into data transfer limits – different people have different needs. However, I think that everyone will find something suitable for themselves in this series. If you are looking for offers within the range of Orange or Play, please read the previous parts of the series:

We are now moving on to offers within the Plus range.

The best offers in Plus coverage

Aero2 pre-paid mobile internet offer

As we informed you the day before yesterday, the aero2 offer will change from November 10, but the paid subscription packages will remain unchanged.

Four packages are available here – with a limit of 3 GB, 10 GB, 50 GB and 150 GB, priced at PLN 5, PLN 10, PLN 30 and PLN 50 per month. So quite a wide range for wide use and choice depending on your data transfer demand in a month.

Mobile internet offer at a2mobile prepaid

For contrast, let’s look at one mobile internet package at a2mobile – it costs PLN 12.90 per month with a 5 GB data transfer limit.

This is a package without transfer limits, but limited to 512 kb/s, i.e. the one that will be available – without the need to rewrite CAPTCHA codes – in the new offer of the free aero2 package from November 10.

Offer for mobile internet in Klucz Mobile pre-paid

As many as 5 packages dedicated to mobile Internet are available in the pre-paid offer at Klucz Mobile.

For PLN 50 you can buy a 100 GB limit during the day and 200 GB at night, for PLN 39.90 – an 80 GB limit, for PLN 9.90 – a 10 GB limit, and smaller limits – 2 GB for PLN and 1 GB for PLN 3. monthly.

Mobile internet offer in Lajt Mobile subscription

This offer already appeared in the first list in Orange’s coverage area, because it is the only operator where we can choose between coverage.

Three packages are available in Plus – with a limit of 10 GB, 30 GB and 100 GB, priced at PLN 15, PLN 30 and PLN 40 per month.

Pre-paid mobile internet offer at Lajt Mobile

If you prefer pre-paid internet, the same operator also offers it – but only within Plus.

There are smaller packages to choose from – with a limit of 1 GB, 10 GB and 20 GB for PLN 5, PLN 10 and PLN 25 per month, respectively.

Lycamobile pre-paid mobile internet offer

Prepaid mobile Internet at Lycamobile includes two packages – with a limit of 30 GB and 50 GB, priced at PLN 25 and PLN 35 per month.

We also have a package for use in EU roaming and the option to order a virtual eSIM card and access to 5G.

Mobile internet offer in Otvarta subscription

Otvarta is the second subscription after Lajt Mobile in this ranking, but also with a one-month notice period.

The cheapest subscription costs PLN 13.99 and includes a limit of 10 GB of data transfer per month. For PLN 34.99 we get 100 GB during the day and 200 GB at night, 200 GB costs PLN 64.99 and 500 GB – PLN 99.99 per month.

Mobile internet offer in Plus subscription

If you need a limit of 500 GB per month, it is more advantageous in the Plus subscription (in a 2-year contract) – PLN 79 per month.

Smaller limits, i.e. 100 GB costs PLN 49, and 50 GB – PLN 39 per month.

Mobile internet offer in Plush subscription

If you do not want to be bound by a 2-year contract, you can still subscribe to Plush with a one-month notice period.

A package with a limit of 60 GB at the start, 90 GB after half a year and 120 GB after a year of internship costs PLN 30 per month. In turn, a package with a 200 GB limit – PLN 60 per month.

Offer for mobile internet in the Premium Mobile subscription

Finally, there is a subscription (without obligation) in Premium Mobile and the cheapest package within Plus’s range with a 500 GB limit – it costs PLN 69.90 per month.

The 200 GB limit costs PLN 49.90, and 100 GB – PLN 39.90 per month.
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