The best phone deals up to PLN 30 per month

This is the third part of our series with mobile offers in specific monthly payment amounts. We started with offers up to PLN 10, then up to PLN 20, now it’s time for offers up to PLN 30 per month.

Of course, in this part of the cycle, you still won’t find any 2-year subscription offers from Orange, Play, Plus and T-Mobile, usually these will be prepaid and subscription offers, as well as subscription with a one-month notice period. Only two offers fit here – one virtual operator and one from a sub-brand, with a 24-month commitment.

I will not mention the available offers for 10 PLN and 20 PLN again, you can find them at the links below. We will only focus on offers in the amounts from 21 PLN to 30 PLN per month.

a2mobile prepaid/subscription (Plus coverage)

At a2mobile you can take advantage of two packages in this price range – for PLN 24.90 and PLN 29.90 per month. Both include a full limit on calls and SMS/MMS messages and 30 GB and 45 GB (5G) of data transfer.

CrossMobile subscription (Plus coverage)

CrossMobile has one subscription in this amount (monthly notice period) – also unlimited calls and SMS/MMS messages, with a transfer limit of 30 GB for PLN 29.99 per month.

Fakt Mobile prepaid (Play coverage)

Fakt Mobile prepaid costs PLN 25 per month for unlimited calls and messages and 10 GB of data transfer.

Fonia Mobile subscription (Plus coverage)

A slightly cheaper option, at PLN 24 per month and 40 GB, is the Fonia Mobile subscription (monthly commitment period).

Heyah 01 subscription (T-Mobile coverage)

A similar cost as in CrossMobile, i.e. PLN 29.99, is available in the Heyah 01 subscription, but we have a higher data transfer limit here – 40 GB.

Mobile Key for Prepaid Card (Plus range)

In Klucz Mobile we can use two packages – for PLN 22 and PLN 30 per month with a data transfer limit of 10 GB and 40 GB, respectively.

Lajt Mobile subscription (Plus or Orange coverage)

In turn, one package in this range is in the Lajt Mobile subscription (monthly notice period). For PLN 30 per month, we get no limit on calls and messages and 30 GB of data transfer (PLN 20 for a quarter).

Lycamobile prepaid (Plus coverage)

At Lycamobile we are once again returning to two packages at this price, for PLN 25 per month the available data transfer limit is 40 GB, and for PLN 30 – 60 GB (no unlimited MMS messages here).

Mobile Vikings prepaid/subscription (Play coverage)

Mobile Vikings has two packages priced at PLN 25 and PLN 30 per month – to choose from in a prepaid or subscription offer, with a 30 GB and 35 GB data transfer limit.

Nju Mobile prepaid/subscription/subscription (Orange coverage)

Three options, however, are available in the nju mobile offer, all for PLN 29 per month – on a prepaid card with a 40 GB data transfer limit, on a subscription, and on a subscription with a 60 GB limit at the start, 120 GB after six months of service, 150 GB after one year, and 180 GB after two years.

Open subscription (Plus coverage)

In the Otvarta subscription we have three packages, one with a monthly commitment period with a limit of 31 GB for PLN 23.99 per month, and two with a commitment for 2 years with a limit of 6 GB and 11 GB for PLN 24.99 and PLN 28.99 per month. In the 2-year commitment we have roaming in the EU, without a commitment only a holiday package (two weeks, twice a year with 500 minutes of calls).

Play on a card (Play coverage)

In Play prepaid we can use one package with a 30 GB limit for PLN 30 per month.

Plus/Plush prepaid/subscription (Plus coverage)

In Plus prepaid and subscription, for PLN 30 we can activate a package with a limit of 30 GB of data transfer. In turn, in Plush prepaid for PLN 25 – 10 GB, and for PLN 30 – also 30 GB.

Premium Mobile subscription (Plus coverage)

In the Premium Mobile subscription, we can use two packages for PLN 24.70 with a 30 GB limit and for PLN 29.70 with a 45 GB limit. For 9 months, both are PLN 5 cheaper.

T-Mobile prepaid (T-Mobile coverage)

The prepaid offer at T-Mobile is one package for PLN 30 per month with a 30 GB data transfer limit.

Virgin Mobile prepaid/subscription (Play coverage)

Last but not least was Virgin Mobile. In the prepaid offer in the package for PLN 25 and PLN 30 per month, we will get a limit of 15 GB and 30 GB respectively. In the 2-year subscription for PLN 30, 40 GB is available.

I also recommend taking a look at our other series of posts with offers from our telecoms:

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