The bill for the protection of consumers is in the General Assembly of the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

Discussions on the entire second part of the proposal were completed at the General Assembly. Saadet Party Hatay Deputy Necmettin Çalışkan, who spoke on the entire proposal, said, “No consumer has an expectation that a law that will come out of this will secure any aspect of themselves.” he said.

Çalışkan said that this bill should be reconsidered.

İYİ Party Samsun Deputy Erhan Usta argued that if some articles in the proposal were accepted, concessions would be made to global monopolists and that these articles should be removed from the proposal. The master stated that it was necessary for them to strongly say no to the offer.

MHP Tokat Deputy Yücel Bulut, regarding the death of FETO leader Fetullah Gülen, said, “It is of course a right to curse, condemn and criticize, and these are also true, but the historical context of this entire process must be kept alive in memories with a high consciousness in order to prevent future generations from experiencing these painful experiences.” “It needs to be kept and passed on to future generations.” made his evaluations.

DEM Party Hakkari Deputy Onur Düşünmez suggested that, when we look at the bill, although it is said that consumer loan and housing finance contracts can be concluded electronically, consumers may be led to sign loan and financing contracts without being sufficiently informed, and this will victimize the consumer.

CHP Izmir Deputy Ednan Arslan argued that the bill has nothing to do with the consumer.

Arslan argued that if the proposal is not withdrawn, there will be a revenue loss of over 100 billion lira in 3 years, and said that multinational companies are intended to be protected with the proposal.

direct selling company

The General Assembly then proceeded to discuss the items in the second part of the proposal.

According to the accepted article, direct sales systems are sales in which goods or services are marketed to consumers by direct sellers who are created by the direct sales company and are not employed under an employment contract, and who operate as independent representatives, distributors, consultants and similar names in return for benefits such as commissions, premiums, incentives and rewards. system”.

The direct selling company will be required to be a capital company and meet other conditions specified in the regulation.

The direct sales system will not be based on bringing new direct sellers into the system and distributing the benefits resulting from this, it will need to be based on the sale of goods or services to consumers and must comply with other principles determined by the regulation. In order for them to be included in the system or to remain in the system, no documents that impose any fees or debts under the names of renewals, packages, fees, dues and similar names that do not include the goods or services intended to be sold to the consumer will be received from direct sellers.

Purchasing goods or services in the quantity or amount determined by the direct selling company will not determine the level of the direct seller within the system. Consumers who purchase goods or services within the scope of the direct sales system will have the right to withdraw from the contract within 30 days without giving any reason and without paying any penalty. It will be sufficient if the notification regarding the exercise of the right of withdrawal is sent directly to the seller or directly to the sales company within this period.

The direct selling company will be obliged to establish a system that ensures that the consumer is informed about the issues determined by the Ministry of Commerce and can submit their requests and notifications. This provision will enter into force 9 months from the date of publication of the regulation.

Deputy Speaker of the Assembly, Celal Adan, adjourned the meeting after an article in the proposal was accepted.

Adan closed the meeting to meet at 14.00 after the commission did not take its place after the break.
