The bombshells about Ciolacu and Sorina Docuz. And if it’s true?

The journalist Cornel Ivanciuc released bombshell information the other day, which only a few publications dared to take on. Ivanciuc gave the publicity several photos with two buildings where he says Marcel Ciolacu and Sorina Docuz lived or live, with whom the prime minister denied having an intimate relationship.

“Marcel Ciolacu moved Sorina Docuz to the Stejarii Collection complex

Ciolacu’s heritage villa in Ing. Cucu Niculescu Starostescu Street near TVR is no longer a safe location. Especially since I gave it to the paparazzi. His love story that he keeps away from the eyes of the world has taken a new turn.

He moved Sorina Docuz with their baby to the Stejarii Collection neighborhood in str. (…), near the SRI headquarters. It is a residential project developed by Ion Țiriac surrounded by an oak forest of 250 ha, with apartments of up to 700 sqm for rent, nothing is for sale, the rent costs thousands of euros per month.

Everything is secured, you identify yourself with the access card at the entrance, the guard takes the right position when you pass in front of the gate, no, he’s not a robot, he’s a former non-commissioned officer in a special service, the parking lot is underground, from the parking lot you take the elevator, goodbye paparazzi , long live drones with whoever invented them.

So, let’s get back to the topic. Sorina Docuz lives in the apartment (…), Ciolacu comes to her place twice a week, stays there, today is Saturday, the drone has already taken him in the collimator”, wrote Ivanciuc on his Facebook page.

In a previous post, the journalist showed that the villa in Ing. Cucu Niculescu Starostescu street where Sorina Docuz and Marcel Ciolacu would have lived

listed at the Bucharest Real Estate Registry and Publicity Office as being part of the RAAPPS heritage.

Ivanciuc published the addresses in detail, including the name of the apartment.
