The child’s first home: Choose the right furniture

When you have a child, there is a lot that needs to be prepared in the best possible way. It can be overwhelming, because where do you start? One of the things that you should prepare well in advance is undoubtedly the right furniture. Changing tables, chests of drawers and much more must be purchased so that everyday life with a new little one will be as easy and comfortable as possible.

Below we have listed some suggestions for the furniture that you must definitely invest in. Use this article as a guide and get peace of mind!

The practical puzzle table

There is no doubt that you must buy a changing table for the child. Some also choose to turn an old dresser or similar into a homemade changing table. It can be practical to have storage in the changing table, as many also change the child’s clothes and the like while the child is lying on the changing table. With storage in the changing table, you have the changing clothes and nappies close at hand.

The changing tables are available in different styles and in different colors, so there is no doubt that you do not have to settle. You are guaranteed to find a nice changing table that fits in with your decor at home – if you are not into the DIY chest of drawers changing table.

Also in the bathroom!

You must also rethink the bathroom. Many overlook this space when preparing the home for a child, which is a mistake!

First of all, the bathroom must be childproofed – but not before the child is old enough to move around. Having said that, there are also a few other things that you should consider changing. An example is the shower head. The jets can be very violent for a small child, and therefore it may be a good idea to replace the shower head. You can get different ones shower heads nowadays, and some have milder rays. You can even invest in a shower head, which can save water.

The classic rocking chair

You’ve probably seen it in movies before: The rocking chair. Many place a good rocking chair next to the child’s bed. Although it may be inflated in the Hollywood movies, there is actually something to the matter. You are going to spend an enormous number of hours in the children’s room – both during the day and during the night. Either the time must be used to breastfeed, feed in another way or to lull the child to sleep.

Therefore, it can be a good idea to have a comfortable chair in the children’s room. A good bet for this chair is undoubtedly a rocking chair. It can rock back and forth quietly, and these movements can be soothing for both adults and children.
