The Colored Program has scheduled performances in Belgrade and Novi Sad until the end of the year

,“Indescribably good concert”, “Phenomenal concert and sound”, “Never better, even after 43 years”, are just some of the comments left on the performance Colored program held in 2023, which was also published on the board,,Dom omladine Belgrade live” in early 2024 for the publishing house Excellent Hamster. That even after more than four decades, the band is more progressive and different with each appearance on stage, OBOJENI PROGRAM will prove again in the same place – in the best concert hall in Belgrade, hall of the American Youth Center on December 27, 2024, starting at 9 p.m.

Kebra, Bebec, Cina and Miki will a week earlier, December 21to perform in the band’s hometown, in a new building SKC Novi Sad. The Student Cultural Center in Novi Sad is considered an important point for the cultural and artistic landscape of Vojvodina and the entire country, so one of the oldest active Novi Sad bands, Obojeni program, will write an important page in the history of their city at the end of December precisely in the new facility of SKC Novi Sad, in Vladimir Perić Valter Street 5.

From 1980 until today, more than 50 musicians have been through the most authentic band in our region. Numerous generations have grown up with the Colored program and have acquired the habit of cultivating rebellion against the mold imposed by society through various systems. That’s why even today every performance of the Colored Program is a holiday of freedom and a clear sign that faith in the art world built outside the norms does not lose strength over the years. On the contrary.

Tickets for the concert of the Colored Program in SKC Novi Sad on December 21, 2024 are available through the GigsTix sales network at a promotional price of 1,800 dinars. Tickets for the big Belgrade concert at the Belgrade Youth Center on December 27, 2024 are available through the E-Finity sales network at a promotional price of 2,000 dinars.
