The companies that will sell the most phones so far in 2024 have been announced, Xiaomi is a disappointment

Smart phone We can say that there is a great pressure from Chinese manufacturers in the market. In fact, the main reason for this pressure is that other players in the market are disappearing from the table one by one.

Until a few years ago, there were major global smartphone manufacturers in both Europe and Asia. But now, when we look at it, we see Samsung from South Korea and Samsung from America.
Apple We see that there is no name that can compete with Chinese manufacturers.

So who are the names that have sold the most phones in the mobile market so far? You can take a look at this list below if you wish.

The companies that will sell the most phones so far in 2024 have been announced, Xiaomi is a disappointment

As can be clearly seen in the list,
Samsungstill maintains its title as the world’s best-selling phone brand. Apple Although it is the most profitable brand, it is the second best-selling phone brand.

The disappointing name here is Xiaomi
We can say that. The general opinion was that Xiaomi could be the number one brand that sells the most phones. Because last year there were ambitious statements that Xiaomi would become the brand that sells the most phones in a short time.
