The contribution will be increased in 2025 – that’s how much more you can get in your wallet

In the coming years, several contributions will be increased, which is already known.

The government and the Sweden Democrats want, among other things, to increase the return migration allowance sharply from 2026 onwards.

If the proposal is approved, it would mean that those who immigrated to Sweden choose to return to their home country will receive up to SEK 350,000 in support. Today’s contribution is a maximum of SEK 10,000 for an adult and an additional SEK 5,000 for a child. In total, a family can currently receive a return migration grant of up to SEK 40,000.

In that case, it would mean a substantial increase.

But the proposal has also received criticism. The investigator Joakim Ruist has refrained from a large increase as, according to him, it would send the signal that the target group is unwanted in Sweden, which could have a negative impact on the will to integrate.

READ MORE: The grant is shockingly increased – they can receive SEK 350,000

Over 65? The contribution you must have missed

Every year, the Swedish state pays out several billions in grants. But one of them actually seems to have been completely missed by many.

This applies to the general dental care allowance, which in 2018 was doubled for Swedish citizens over the age of 65.

The contribution now amounts to SEK 600 for those over 65 and those aged 24-29.

The next time it’s time to go to the dentist, it might be worth keeping the dental allowance in mind.

READ MORE: The contribution many miss – can save you SEK 600

The study grant will be increased in 2025

But the contributions mentioned above are far from the only ones being raised. As of 2025, it is a group of individuals who will see a contribution increase – namely students.

Namely, from 2025, the price base amount will be increased, which results in an increase in the student aid. For four weeks of study, a student from 2025 receives SEK 13,500. As the free amount is also increased, a student with full study funds for a period of 20 weeks, corresponding to half a year, will receive SEK 114,000.

READ MORE: The contribution will be increased in 2025 – that’s how much more you get

Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT

So much more you get in 2024

The study funds are distributed based on your pace of study and loan-to-value ratio.

Below is the study aid you will receive in the week of 2024 based on your study pace and whether you receive both grants and loans.

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Study funds per week in 2024:

Full-time, 100 percent: SEK 3,289 including grants and loans.

Part-time, 75 percent: SEK 2,469 including grants and loans.

Part-time, 50 percent: SEK 1,644 including grants and loans.

Source: CSN

So much more you can get in your wallet in 2025

With the increase in tuition fees in 2025, it will be felt in the wallet, regardless of the rate of study and the degree of loan.

Below is the study aid you will receive in the week of 2025 based on your study pace and whether you receive both grants and loans.

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Study funds per week in 2025:

Full-time, 100 percent: SEK 3,375 including grants and loans.

Part-time, 75 percent: SEK 2,534 including grants and loans.

Part-time, 50 percent: SEK 1,687 including grants and loans.

Source: CSN

Those who study full-time will, with the change, get SEK 85 more in their wallets every week. But spread over a whole month, it becomes something more.

Namely, full-time students receive SEK 13,500 including both grants and loans from CSN.

Those who instead study at a rate of 75 percent receive SEK 10,136 a month and those who study at half speed, i.e. 50 percent study rate, receive SEK 6,748 a month including grants and loans.

The increase for 2025 is SEK 344, where the contribution is increased by SEK 104 and the loan by SEK 240.

The study funds consist of approximately 30 percent grants and 70 percent loans.
