The court ordered “Depot” to hand over 295 dunums of land to Kaja

16.07.2024. / 16:26

BANJALUKA – The public company “Dep-ot” has to hand over to the company “Čistoća” owned by Mladen Milanović Kaja more than 295 dunums of land in Ramići on which there is a regional landfill managed by “Depot”, reveals CAPITAL.

PHOTO: Depot

The District Commercial Court in Banja Luka issued a verdict on Friday and obliged “Depot” to hand over 295 dunums of land to “Čistoći”. At the same time, the court rejected the request of “Cistocë” that “Depot” pay it about six million KM with interest on behalf of the realized benefits from the use of other people’s property. A claim for compensation for lost profits of almost five million KM was also rejected.

“The court established that the Republic Administration for Geodetic and Property Legal Affairs (RUGIPP) issued a decision on August 6, 2020, establishing that “Čistoća” acquired the right of ownership to 69 plots by purchasing state capital, and that after the legal validity of that of the resolution to register the property rights in favor of “Cistoca”it is stated in the judgment in whose possession it is CAPITAL.

Furthermore, it is said that on July 29, 2022, RUGIPP adopted the request of the company Mladen Milanović Kaja and allowed that, based on the legally binding decision of RUGIPP dated August 6, 2020, real estate with a total area of ​​295,798 square meters be registered in the real estate register in favor of “Cistoća” with 1/1 share of the property.



We remind you that the land dispute between these two companies has been going on for several years. In November 2020, RUGIP determined that “Čistoća”, which managed the regional landfill until 2004, has the right of ownership over the land.

The City of Banjaluka and Depot disputed this through the RS Attorney’s Office, until the verdict of the District Court in Banjaluka, which rejected their claims as unfounded in early July 2022.

Based on that court decision, RUGIPP made a decision and registered “Čistoća” as the owner, and the District Commercial Court in Banja Luka on Friday ordered “Depot” to hand over the real estate in question to “Čistoća”.

This judgment will cause numerous other problems and call into question the further work of “Depot” and the functioning of the regional landfill in Ramići.

By the way, the company “Depot” founded eight municipalities and cities. In addition to Banjaluka, which has 62 percent ownership, the largest co-owners are Gradiška with 14 percent and Prnjavor with 10 percent, and the remaining co-owners are Laktaši, Srbac, Čelinac, Kotor Varoš and Kneževo.

Depot’s supervisory board should today dismiss the director of this public company, Željko Savić from Demos, and his place should be replaced by SPS staff and the former director of the Banjaluka City Cemetery, Ratko Jokić.

Although the media stated that the cause of the dismissal was friction between the SNSD and Demos, our source says that the reason for the dismissal could be precisely the verdict of the District Commercial Court in favor of “Cistoca”.

“Current director Željko Savić resisted the pressures and requests to make certain moves in favor of “Cistoca”. The new director is likely to be much more flexible in this regard”says our source.

He adds that the new director will receive almost 2.5 million KM in Depot’s account, stressing that it will be interesting to see how he will position himself and how he will formulate an appeal against the judgment of the District Commercial Court, which can be submitted to the Higher Commercial Court in Banja Luka.


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