The day East and West parted religiously forever

Today marks the 970th anniversary of the Great Schism.

In 1054, the Great Schism took place between Rome and Byzantium. Pope Leo IX and Patriarch Cherularios excommunicated each other, denying each other divine grace.

The sister cities never met again in the millennium that opened otherwise, and Greek Orthodoxy and Latin Catholicism entered into competition themselves.

The Christian East and West came closer then only periodically, after 1096, when the Crusades took place – adventures to reconquer the holy lands of Jerusalem, occupied by the Seljuk Turks.

Discover presents other historical meanings of July 16:

1054 – The Great Schism took place. Patriarch Michael I Kerularios and Pope Leo IX excommunicate each other; the definitive separation of the Church of Rome from that of Constantinople takes place.

1782 – The premiere of the opera “Răpirea din Sarai” by WA Mozart takes place in Vienna.

1858 – Eugene Ysaye, Belgian violinist, conductor and composer, was born (d. May 12, 1931).

1864 – The Royal Decree was issued regarding the establishment of the University of Bucharest, whose first rector was the jurist Gheorghe Costa Foru.

1872 – The symbolist poet Dimitrie Anghel was born (d. November 13, 1914).

1872 – Roald Amundsen, the famous explorer who first reached the South Pole, was born (d. June 18, 1928).

1876 – The “National Red Cross Society of Romania” was established.

1921 – The first Congress of doctors in Romania took place.

1933 – The actor Gheorghe Cozorici was born in Suceava (d. December 18, 1993).

1943 – Eugen Lovinescu, critic and literary historian, founder of the magazine and the “Sburătorul” magazine (b. October 31, 1881), died.

[1945– The world’s first nuclear experiment took place (in the Alamogordo desert – USA).

1989 – The conductor Herbert von Karajan died. (b. April 5, 1908).

1990 – Ukraine adopts the declaration of State Independence.

1992 – The National Audiovisual Council of Romania started its activity.

1999 – John Kennedy Jr., the son of former American President JF Kennedy, died in a plane crash. (b. 1961).

2000 – The Canadian baritone Louis Quilico passed away in Toronto.

2007 – Marina Pissareva, Russian representative of the German media group Bartlesmann in Russia, was found murdered at her residence near Moscow.

2010 – The famous French biochemist Jean Montreuil, member of the French Academy of Medical Sciences, the Paris Academy of Sciences, the Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium and honorary member of the Romanian Academy (b. 1920), passed away.

2011 – Romanian international Ştefan Sameş, who played for the teams Universitatea Craiova, Steaua Bucharest, Farun Constanţa, Rapid Bucharest, ROVA Roşiori and Siretul Paşcani, has passed away (b. October 14, 1951)
