The dialogues of the “good guys of the night” about the bosses of the Greek Mafia

They beat, burned, planted explosive devices and threatened shopkeepers with weapons in Attica. The action of the circuit of the “good guys of the night” who is taken to the investigator on Thursday facing half of the criminal code is revealed through dialogues recorded by the “bug” of EL.AS.

The connection with the big bosses of the Greek Mafia is obvious as the good guys in the talks reveal who they get orders from for what they do illegally from drugs and weapons to explosions and beatings.


Screenshot from the surveillance of the Prosecution of Extortionists

The bravos opening their mouths when conversing with women. They are clumsy and… careless…

Indicative is the conversation – brought to light by “Jungle” – of the now accused bravo with the initials T.A. with a woman on March 22, 2024. The conversation starts with explosives that have been planted in a well-known strip show in L. Sygrou, where the bravo makes a living.

Unknown: They put you in. What did they put on you? I learned that they put something explosive and good on you. Apply ;


Bravo: Well yes. For instance . I had some problems, but ok I solved them.

Unknown: What problems?

Bravo : Various

Unknown: With them around?

Bravo: Yes, I solved it. Everything is fine now

Unknown: Because of the massage or personally?

Bravo : Both together half, half.

Screenshot from the surveillance of the Prosecution of Extortionists

“We had some reshuffles…”

The revelations come in a second phone call made on the same day.The bravo talks about the “Big Boss” with the initials Z.B who was murdered in January. His place was taken by the other leader of the Greek Mafia who is incarcerated in Korydallos prisons, with the initials B.P.. On the other hand, there is the second group led by a well-known godfather of the night with the initials M.G..

The dialogue is typical:

Bravo: We had some rearrangements. Okay, we fixed everything.

Unknown : Rearrangements ? I mean?

Bravo: Well, our great boss died well. Didn’t you hear about the murder?

Unknown: No… Oh, where and why is your big boss?

Bravo: That was Vangelis, he was the big boss

Unknown Z… was your big boss?

Bravo : Hm

Unknown? What are you talking about?

Bravo: Yes

Unknown: Okay, okay. In life, everything is borrowed, you know that, right?

Bravo : Hm. And the wood you eat will be borrowed

Unknown: I probably didn’t love him…probably he didn’t…Teolis didn’t want to give him another chance.

Bravo: Yes, what are you doing, okay? Now his best man has taken over.

Unknown : Yes ?

Bravo: We are much better…

Unknown: I knew this would happen, to tell you the truth.

Screenshot from the surveillance of the Prosecution of Extortionists

“Now there is no peace”

The continuation in the conversation is even more revealing

Unknown: Did Vangelis have anything to do with the store?

Bravo: He had the protection of the store at night

Unknown: Well, not all, what is M (s.s. leader of another team) doing?

Bravos: He is different, they are different

Unknown: Does he sell tissues?

Well done. They are another side. But there was a peace now there is no peace. E has now been taken over by B (incarcerated in Korydallos prison). We are with him, of course it is better. We are more organized. Well, we’re doing better.

Unknown: Are you more organized?

Bravo: Of course. There were tolerances with the other one, you understand? But with him there are no tolerances.

See also:

See everything the head of the Extortion Prosecution has revealed about the Greek Mafia, thugs and death contracts in the “Jungle”:
