The disease that began to grind Romanian corporatists from the shadows. Unknowingly, many Romanians are affected, and the consequences can be extremely serious

The disease that began to grind Romanian corporatists from the shadows. Unknowingly, many Romanians are affected, and the consequences can be extremely serious

Poor diet, hectic lifestyle and lack of sport become the fertile ground for the development of chronic diseases such as diabetes or obesity.

Those most at risk are those whose job involves sedentary work, long hours in a chair and too small windows of free time for movement. This category also includes corporate employees, who can exceed the healthy weight limit by 80 kg due to their diet and busy schedule, according to Daciana Ispir, nutritionist and founder of the Bine cu Mine clinic.

“We have very big differences. Many of them have weight problems. Deviations can be large and can be 5-10 kg or 50-80 kg more. The causes are eating large amounts of high-calorie foods. Mainly fast food consumption” said Daciana Ispir, nutritionist and founder of the Bine cu Mine clinic, during the ZF Live show, made with the support of Orange Business.

Daciana Ispir points out that among the main causes of obesity is eating very high-calorie foods, especially at night or in the evening in front of the phone or tablet, which make it difficult to clearly count caloric intake.

“Another factor would be eating at night. They arrive home in the evening, order food and eat while watching TV. Another problem is eating in front of the TV or the phone, because then the attention shifts from eating to what’s happening on the tablet and then I don’t pay attention to the quantities anymore”, said Daciana Ispir at ZF Live.
