The DNA expands the criminal investigation into the network of generals

The prosecutors of the National Anticorruption Directorate announced on Monday that they have extended the criminal investigation on behalf of two former soldiers and a lawyer from the Bucharest Bar Association, for influence peddling crimes.

According to a press release from the DNA, sent to AGERPRES, the prosecutors from the National Anticorruption Directorate – Anti-corruption Section ordered the extension of the criminal prosecution against four people – two former soldiers, currently associated in some companies, a lawyer from the Bucharest Bar Association and a person without special status -, under the aspect of committing crimes of influence peddling (in relation to three persons) and constituting an organized criminal group.

The DNA does not mention the names of the defendants, but, according to some judicial sources, it is about generals Florian Coldea and Dumitru Dumbravă, lawyer Doru Trăilă, and the fourth person charged is Dan Tocaci, a close relative of the three.

The anti-corruption prosecutors note in the ordinances that, during 2023, the two businessmen and the lawyer from the Bucharest Bar would have demanded from a local elected official (the witness in question) the sum of 600,000 euros plus VAT, in exchange for which they would have left to believe that they have influence over some magistrates in some courts and that they could cause them to pronounce favorable judgments for the witness in a criminal case in which he was being judged.

The same sources specified, for AGERPRES, that the witness referred to would be the mayor of Rovinari, Robert Filip.

“In the mentioned context, the witness, through a relative, would have remitted to the three defendants a partial payment from the claimed benefit, namely the amount of approximately 234,000 euros. At the same time, the defendants would have used a law firm to transfer the sums of money from the potential beneficiaries of the alleged influence peddling to the consulting companies they control, creating the appearance of legality of this financial circuit, by concluding contracts of legal assistance, respectively consultancy contracts”, mention the investigators.

In the case, criminal proceedings are also being carried out against other legal entities, regarding the commission of the crime of money laundering, informs DNA.
